Subsidies and schemes

Search for subsidies, financial arrangements, and tax benefits from the State, the European Union, and your province.

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160 schemes

Agricultural innovation subsidy scheme (Noord-Brabant)

Subsidy or grant

Do you have an agricultural enterprise in Noord-Brabant and do you want to innovate? Or does your company perform research or education in the agricultural sector? You can apply for a subsidy under...

Business loan guarantee scheme (GO)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

The Business loan guarantee scheme (Garantie Ondernemingsfinanciering, GO) makes it easier for large and medium-sized companies in the Netherlands to borrow substantial amounts of money. Capital...

Business succession scheme (BOR)

Tax benefit

Will you get a business through an inheritance or as a gift? You may be able to take advantage of the business succession scheme (bedrijfsopvolgingsregeling, BOR). This scheme allows you to pay less...

Childcare benefit for entrepreneurs


Childcare benefit contributes to the cost of childcare. As an entrepreneur you are also entitled to this benefit. What are the conditions for childcare benefit? You can apply for childcare benefit as...

Circular Batteries Subsidy (SCB)

Subsidy or grant

Do you want to improve and develop sustainable batteries or battery chain systems? Or do you want to improve the recycling process of batteries? Then you can apply for the Circular Batteries Subsidy...

Circular implementation and upscaling subsidy (CIO)

Subsidy or grant

Does your company want to reuse products or materials? For example, by repairing, high-quality recycling, or remaking parts. Or do you want to expand your capacity to do so? You can apply for the...

Circular Plastics NL Subsidy (CPNL)

Subsidy or grant

Does your company make, process, or use plastics? And do you want to cooperate with other entrepreneurs or research institutions to improve the plastic recycling process? Then you can apply for the...

Clean Energy Transition Partnership subsidy (CETPartnership)

Subsidy or grant

Do you work together with foreign partners on an energy-innovation project? You can apply for the Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) subsidy. With this subsidy you can showcase your...

Co-working partner tax relief

Tax benefit

Do you run a business in the Netherlands, and does your fiscal partner perform work for your business? You may be eligible for co-working partner tax relief (meewerkaftrek, in Dutch). If you use this...

Coaching by Entrepreneurs Sounding Board

Cooperation programme

Do you have an SME and can you use support or advice? You can apply for professional coaching with the Entrepreneurs Sounding Board Foundation (Stichting Ondernemersklankbord, OKB). During a 6-months...

Common agricultural policy subsidy programme (GLB)

Subsidy or grant

Are you a farmer in the Netherlands? Do you grow durable, nutritious, safe and affordable food? You may supplement your income with subsidies from the common agricultural policy CAP (Gemeenschappelijk...

Compensation for eHerkenning costs

Subsidy or grant

Do you need eHerkenning to file your tax returns via the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst) through Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk? And did you buy the Belastingdienst EH3-login...

Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

Subsidy or grant

Can your company contribute to developing or modernising transport, energy, or digital networks across Europe? You may be eligible for a European subsidy under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)....

Creative Europe Programme

Subsidy or grant

Are you active in the audio-visual or creative sector? You can apply for a subsidy via the Creative Europe Programme. The Creative Europe Programme contains 2 sub-programmes: the Culture strand and...

Credit Guarantee Scheme for Agriculture (BL)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Are you a (starting) agricultural entrepreneur? And do you want to invest in your agricultural or horticultural farm? You may be eligible for the Credit Guarantee Scheme for Agriculture (BL). The...

Culture Capital Loan

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Are you an entrepreneur in the cultural sector and did your organisation suffer losses as a result of the corona pandemic or another crisis? You can apply for a Culture Capital Loan (Cultuur Vermogen...

Digital Europe Programme

Subsidy or grant

Do you develop digital technologies? Do you want to market digital technologies? Or do you want to make use of digitisation more often in your business? You may be eligible for support through the...

Discontinuation relief

Tax benefit

Are you discontinuing your business? You may be eligible for discontinuation relief (stakingsaftrek) or a tax-free annuity (stakingslijfrenteaftrek). Discontinuation profit Are you making a profit...

Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Are you an SME in the Netherlands and interested in investing in an upcoming market or a developing country? And do you need financing for this? You can apply for the Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF)....

Dutch journalism subsidies

Subsidy or grant

Are you a media organisation, do you produce printed, or digital media publications with journalistic content? Or are you a media startup or investigative journalist? You may be eligible for a subsidy...

Dutch Trade and Investment Fund (DTIF)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Is your company interested in doing business abroad? But do you have trouble arranging the necessary financing? You could be eligible for funding by the Dutch Trade and Investment Fund. DTIF offers...

Dutch Venture Initiative (DVI)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

If you run a small or medium enterprise (SME) and need access to investment capital, you may apply for the Dutch Venture Initiative (DVI). This is a collaboration of the European Investment Fund and...

Early retirement scheme (RVU)

Tax benefit

If you employ staff, you can arrange for your employees to retire before state pension age. Such arrangements can also be made in some sectors for specific groups of workers. For instance because they...

Energy Investment Allowance (EIA)

Tax benefit

Do you have a company in the Netherlands and do you invest measures to reduce CO2 emissions such as heat infrastructure, in energy-efficient technologies or assets? You may be eligible for the Energy...

Entrepreneur allowance

Tax benefit

Business owners in the Netherlands may be eligible for the entrepreneur allowance (ondernemersaftrek, in Dutch). The entrepreneur allowance is an amount you deduct from your profit, so you pay less...

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Cooperation programme

As a young entrepreneur, either experienced or just starting, you may be eligible for the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme. The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme helps starting...

EU Health Programme EU4Health

Subsidy or grant

Does your organisation work to strengthen and innovate healthcare in the Netherlands or the European Union? You can apply for subsidy from the EU health programme EU4Health. This programme aims to...

European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF)

Subsidy or grant

Does you company or sector have to make large numbers of people redundant? You may be eligible for aid from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF). You help the dismissed employees find a...

Eurostars subsidy scheme

Subsidy or grant

Are you a small and medium-sized (SME) entrepreneur in the high tech research and development sector? And do you work with partners in other countries? You may be eligible for a Eurostars subsidy....

Export insurance

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Do you export capital goods or services? You run a huge risk if a foreign buyer fails to pay, for example, due to political events such as war or expropriation. In cases like these, business owners...

Financial support for self-employed professionals (Bbz)


Are you a freelancer or self-employed professional in the Netherlands and in need of financial support? For instance because you want to start a business while you are on benefits? Your municipality...

Green Projects Scheme financing

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Do you want to invest in environmentally friendly projects in the Netherlands? Maybe your project is eligible for a Green Declaration. With a Green Declaration you can request ‘green financing’ for...

Group Assistent Childcare Subsidy Scheme

Subsidy or grant

Do you run a childcare centre? Under the Group Assistent Childcare Subsidy Scheme you may be able to get a contribution towards a group assistent's wage costs. This subsidy is only available for...

Horizon Europe

Subsidy or grant

If your company or knowledge institute collaborates internationally in the areas of research, technological development and innovation, you can participate in the Horizon Europe programme. This...

Incentive scheme learning and development within SMEs (SLIM subsidy)

Subsidy or grant

Do you want to invest in your personnel’s expertise, growth and development? Then you can apply for the Incentive scheme learning and development within SMEs (SLIM subsidy). You can make use of the...

Innovation box

Tax benefit

Do you make profit from innovative activities? If so, you may be able to use the innovation box (in Dutch). This is a special tariff box on your corporate tax return. This allows you to pay less...

Innovation Credit Scheme

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Does your company work on a promising and challenging innovation? For instance you develop a new product, medicine or device? You can apply for a loan under the Innovation Credit Scheme. The amount of...

Innovation Fund Noord-Holland

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Do you run a small or medium enterprise or a startup in the province Noord-Holland? And are you planning a proof-of-concept project, in which you will prove the efficacy of an innovation? You may be...

Just Transition Fund (JTF)

Subsidy or grant

Do you want to comply with the energy transition, but is your SME located in a region where it is difficult to make use of renewable energy alternatives? For instance, because the area is dependent on...

Labour costs compensation (LKV) for employing older or disabled persons

Tax benefit

Do you have a company in the Netherlands and do you take 1 or more people into employment who have difficulty finding work? For instance people over the age of 56 and on unemployment benefits, people...

Lifelong learning credit

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Would you (or your employee) like to take a study programme, but are you no longer eligible for student finance? You may qualify for a lifelong learning credit (Levenlanglerenkrediet). You can use the...

Loan for cultural enterprises (Cultuurlening)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Are you a professional artist or do you own a cultural enterprise or organisation in the creative sector? And do you want to invest in your professional future? You can apply for the Cultuurlening...

Loan TMI Proof of concept fund Flevoland (POC Fonds)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Do you have an idea for technological innovation? Is your SME based in, or moving to Flevoland? You may be eligible for a loan from the TMI Proof of concept fund Flevoland (POC Fonds). Who can apply?...

Maternity allowance for self-employed professionals (ZEZ)


Are you a freelancer/self-employed professional based in the Netherlands and pregnant? You are entitled to an allowance during pregnancy or after childbirth under the Maternity Benefit Scheme for the...


Credit, loan, or guarantee

Are you a starting or existing business owner in the Netherlands and do you need credit to start or grow your company? You may be eligible for a micro credit (Microkrediet, in Dutch) from Qredits....

Nesec Shipping Debt Fund loan

Credit, loan, or guarantee

If you are a shipowner and you want to buy or modify a short sea vessel, you can apply for a Nesec Shipping Debt Fund (NSDF) loan. You can apply for a loan of at least €3,000,000 to at most...

Older and Partially Disabled Self-Employed Income Support (IOAZ)


Are you an older self-employed professional working in the Netherlands? And do you want to terminate your business because you have too little income from your business? You may be eligible for a...

Opportunities for West (Kansen voor West)

Subsidy or grant

Do you own an SME located in the provinces of Noord- and Zuid-Holland, Utrecht, or Flevoland? You can apply for a subsidy for innovative projects from Opportunities for West (Kansen voor West, in...

Partners for Water subsidy: Innovations for Water Safety and Water Security (PVW-IVWW)

Subsidy or grant

Are you an international entrepreneur active in the water industry? And do you want to carry out a feasibility study or a pilot project that has to do with water safety and water security abroad? Then...

Paying artists using the scheme for artists

Subsidy or grant

Are you an artist, or do you hire artists for public performances, such as pop stages, theatres, or pubs? Then you can use of the tax scheme for artists (artiestenregeling). The artist is then...

Performing arts subsidy schemes

Subsidy or grant

Do you work in the field of music, theatre, musical theatre, or dance in the Netherlands? You can apply for subsidies from the Performing Arts Fund (Fonds Podiumkunsten). The fund offers subsidies for...

Plus loan for cultural enterprises (Cultuurlening Plus)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Are you a professional artist or do you own a cultural enterprise or organisation in the creative sector? And do you want to finance a professional cultural production? You can apply for the...

Private business ownership allowance

Tax benefit

As an entrepreneur in the Netherlands, you may be eligible for the private business ownership allowance (zelfstandigenaftrek). If so, you pay less tax because you can deduct a fixed amount from your...

Proof-of-concept funding (VFF)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Do you own or operate an established SME, innovative startup or an academic, hbo or TO2 startup in the Netherlands? You can apply for Proof-of-concept funding. This loan will enable you to develop...

R&D tax credit (WBSO)

Tax benefit

Do you run a company in the Netherlands that carries out research and development (R&D) work (Speur- en Ontwikkelingswerk, S&O)? You may be able to lower the costs for your development and research...

Remission of municipal and water authority taxes

Tax benefit

Are you as an entrepreneur not able to pay your municipal or Regional Water Authority taxes? You may be eligible for a full or partial remission. The municipality is not obliged to grant remission....

Repaying Corona bridging credit

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Credit provider Qredits helps entrepreneurs that have been hit by the corona crisis. Qredits offers a bridging credit for existing entrepreneurs as well as entrepreneurs who started their business in...

Repaying Corona relaunch credit for SMEs (TOA krediet)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Credit provider Qredits helped entrepreneurs hit by the corona crisis with a restructuring credit. Entrepreneurs could use this TOA credit (Time Out Arrangement, TOA krediet) to relaunch their...

Repaying the Business loan guarantee corona (GO-C)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Did you take out a loan via the Business loan guarantee scheme for corona (GO-C)? Then you must repay the amount you borrowed. The GO-C was available for companies that had difficulties getting a bank...

Repaying the Corona bridging loan (COL)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Did you take out a Corona bridging loan (COL) with a regional development agency (Regionale Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij, ROM)? You will have to repay this loan. The Corona bridging loan (COL) is meant...

Repaying the Credit Guarantee Scheme for Agriculture corona (BL-C)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Are you using the Credit Guarantee Scheme for Agriculture corona (BL-C)? Then you must repay the money you received. The BL-C is an extension of the Credit Guarantee Scheme for Agriculture (BL) for...

Repaying the Reimbursement Fixed Costs (TVL)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Did you receive Reimbursement Fixed Costs (TVL)? And did your turnover exceed your expectations? You may have received more than you were entitled to. If you did receive too much TVL, you will need to...

Repaying the Small credits guarantee for SMEs (KKC)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Did you take out a loan via the small credits guarantee for SMEs (Kleine Kredieten Corona garantieregeling, KKC)? You will have to repay this loan. Do you have to repay? The small credits guarantee is...

Repaying the SME credit guarantee corona (BMKB-C)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Do you use the extended SME credit guarantee scheme for corona (BMKB-C)? Then you must repay the amount you borrowed. Under the BMKB-C, entrepreneurs could borrow money faster and easier during the...

Repaying the temporary emergency bridging measure NOW


Did you make use of the Temporary emergency bridging measure for sustained employment (Tijdelijke Noodmaatregel Overbrugging voor Werkbehoud, NOW)? And did your turnover exceed expectations? Or has...

Repaying the Temporary support for essential costs (TONK)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Do you make use of the tax free Temporary support for essential costs (TONK)? If this benefit was offered to you as a loan, you must repay it. The TONK measure helps you pay for housing costs during...

Repaying the TOGS (Reimbursement for entrepreneurs in affected sectors)


Did you receive support through the TOGS measure? You will only have to repay this if you were not eligible for this tax free reimbursement and the support was wrongfully granted. The TOGS...

Repaying the Tozo (Temporary bridging measure for self-employed professionals)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Did you apply for (and receive) the Tozo loan for business capital? You have to repay this. Did you receive the Tozo income support? You will only have to repay if you received more than you were...

SBIR small business innovation competition


Do you want to work on innovative solutions to societal issues? The Small Business Innovation Research Programme (SBIR, in Dutch) aims to stimulate entrepreneurs within the European Union propose...

Seed Capital Scheme

Credit, loan, or guarantee

If you run a startup in the technological or creative sector and need an investment, you may be eligible for the Seed Capital scheme. This scheme consists of financial support as well as practical...

Sickness and disability benefits for first responders (emergency workers)


Does your organisation employ emergency workers (first responders)? Then your employees are entitled to benefits in a number of situations. If an emergency worker is missing or killed as a result of...

Small businesses scheme (KOR)

Tax benefit

Do you run a small business in the Netherlands with a turnover of no more than €20,000 per year? You can choose to take part in the small businesses scheme (kleineondernemersregeling, KOR). If you...

Small projects investment credit (KIA)

Tax benefit

Business owners in the Netherlands who invest in business assets, are eligible to claim the small projects investment credit (kleinschaligheidsinvesteringsaftrek, KIA, in Dutch). That means they are...

SME credit guarantee scheme (BMKB)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

If you have a business in the Netherlands and employ no more than 250 workers (you have an SME), you may be eligible for a guarantee for part of a loan through the SME credit guarantee scheme (BMKB)....

SME loan

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Are you a starting or existing SME business owner (including the self-employed)? Or do you want to take over a company? If you need a business loan, you can apply for an SME loan of up to €250,000....

SME profit exemption

Tax benefit

What is the SME profit exemption? The SME profit exemption (mkb-winstvrijstelling) is a tax deduction to your profit. It reduces the amount of your taxable profit. Because of this you will have to pay...

SME-credit scheme Green (BMKB-Groen)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Do you want to reduce your energy costs by making your business more sustainable? With the SME-credit scheme BMKB-Green you can get a loan with a guarantee by the government. This allows you to borrow...

Social Credit

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Are you an entrepreneur in the social enterprise sector? Does your business have societal goals and is profit not your number one priority? You may be eligible for a social credit of up to €250,000....

Start a business with incapacity benefit

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Do you live in the Netherlands and do you have a long-term occupational disability? In some cases you may be eligible for support to start your own business. What type of support can you get? You can...

Start a business with unemployment benefit


Do you live in the Netherlands and are you out of work? It is possible to start your own company while retaining (part of) your unemployment benefit (WW). There are 3 options: Use the start-up scheme:...

Start-up loan for cultural enterprises

Subsidy or grant

Do you have an enterprise in the cultural sector? And do you need funding for new projects, programmes, productions, or products? You may be eligible for the Start-up loan for cultural enterprises...

Starterslift Loan (Mid-West Brabant)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Do you have a promising, knowledge intensive start-up in the region Mid-West Brabant? You can apply for pre-seed funding through Starterslift Investments. This funding is provided in the form of a...

STOZ subsidy to promote digital technology in healthcare

Subsidy or grant

Do you provide healthcare or home care? And do you want to use more digital or hybrid (partly digital) processes in your work? If so, you may be able to get a subsidy through the Incentive scheme for...

Subsidies for designers and cultural institutions

Subsidy or grant

Are you a designer, do you work in the field of digital culture, or do you run a cultural institution? You may be eligible for a subsidy from the Creative Industries Fund NL (Stimuleringsfonds...

Subsidies for innovation in energy - Top Sector Energy (TSE)

Subsidy or grant

Do you work on projects and research in the field of energy innovation? You may be eligible for a subsidy from Top Sector Energy (Topsector Energie, TSE). This is a project to stimulate a more...

Subsidies for literary publishers

Subsidy or grant

As a publisher of literary works, you may be eligible for a subsidy from the Dutch Foundation for Literature (Nederlands Letterenfonds). They offer subsidies for: production costs for special...

Subsidies for visual arts and cultural heritage

Subsidy or grant

Do you work in the field of visual arts or in the cultural heritage sector? If so, you can apply for a grant from the Mondriaan Fund (Mondriaan Fonds). The fund has several grant schemes for cultural...

Subsidies for writers and translators

Subsidy or grant

Are you a writer or translator of literary works? You can apply for a subsidy from the Dutch Foundation for Literature (Nederlands Letterenfonds). Among others there are subsidies for: project...

Subsidy Demonstration Energy Innovation (DEI+)

Subsidy or grant

Do you run a project that focuses on saving energy, generating sustainable energy or stimulating the use of sustainable energy? Or do you mass-produce products from waste material? You may be eligible...

Subsidy for a nationally or locally listed building

Subsidy or grant

Do you own a monument or a building of cultural or historical significance? You may qualify for a loan or subsidy for conservation (maintenance), a new designation for or restoration of your monument....

Subsidy for Clean and Zero Emission Construction Equipment (SSEB)

Subsidy or grant

Do you own a construction company, or do you rent out construction equipment? You can apply for the Subsidy for Clean and Zero Emission Construction Equipment (Schoon en Emissieloos Bouwmaterieel,...

Subsidy for film productions

Subsidy or grant

Film producers, directors, screenwriters, and distributors in the Netherlands may be eligible for a subsidy from the Netherlands Film Fund (Nederlands Filmfonds). Funding options are available for the...

Subsidy for modifying a workstation

Subsidy or grant

Do you run a company in the Netherlands and do you want to keep or hire an employee who is ill or disabled? In order to do so, you may have to modify the workplace. For example by installing a...

Subsidy for providing essential medical care to uninsured patients

Subsidy or grant

Are you a healthcare organisation and do you provide essential medical care to uninsured patients? Or are you uncertain about whether a patient is insured. Then you can apply for a subsidy for...

Subsidy for stimulation and feasibility study for energy innovation (Overijssel)

Subsidy or grant

Are you located in the province of Overijssel and do you have an innovative idea to save energy? Then you can apply for the subsidy for stimulation for energy innovation to further support and develop...

Subsidy Programme for Responsible Business (SPVO)

Subsidy or grant

Do you want to improve the social sustainability of your company by countering risks in your international value chain? If so, you can apply for a subsidy from the Subsidy Programme for Responsible...

Subsidy programme LIFE

Subsidy or grant

LIFE is the European subsidy programme for the development and implementation of European nature conservation and environmental policy. The programme includes the following: Nature and biodiversity...

Subsidy scheme for Cooperative Energy Generation (SCE)

Subsidy or grant

Do you operate an energy cooperative or a Homeowners’ association (VvE)? And do you want to generate renewable electricity from solar energy, wind energy of hydropower? You can apply for the Subsidy...

Subsidy scheme for demonstration projects, feasibility studies, and investment preparation projects (DHI)

Subsidy or grant

Are you an SME company in the Netherlands interested in investing in an upcoming market or a developing country? Then you can apply for the subsidy scheme for demonstration projects, feasibility...

Subsidy scheme for practice-based learning third learning pathway

Subsidy or grant

Do you want to offer work-based learning or practical learning opportunities to intermediate vocational education (mbo) students in the third learning pathway (derde leerweg)? You can apply for a...

Subsidy scheme for sustainability and innovation Overijssel and Gelderland (OP East)

Subsidy or grant

Do you have an idea for an innovative and sustainable project in Overijssel or Gelderland? You can apply for a subsidy or loan from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with OP Oost. The ERDF...

Subsidy Scheme Sectoral Partnerships

Subsidy or grant

Are you a company in the Netherlands interested in focussing more on international Responsible Business Conduct (RBC)? If so, the Sectoral Partnerships subsidy scheme helps you identify and address...

Subsidy scheme sustainability of inland vessels (SRVB)

Subsidy or grant

Do you own an inland vessel and do you want to invest in a cleaner engine or a catalytic converter for your ship? You can apply for the subsidy scheme for sustainability of inland vessels...

Subsidy Single Market Programme (SMP)

Subsidy or grant

The Single Market Programme is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). One of the goals of the programme is to stimulate SMEs’ competitiveness. The Single Market Programme (SMP) is an EU...

Subsidy to encourage switch from road to water or railway transport (Modal Shift)

Subsidy or grant

Are you a consigner or freight forwarder in road transport? If you switch to transport by inland waterway or railway, you can apply for the Modal Shift subsidy. Shipping via water or railway reduces...

Substance-related Occupational Diseases compensation (TSB)


Have you become ill due to working with hazardous substances? If so, you can apply for a one-off allowance from the Dutch Institute for Victims of Occupational Diseases due to Hazardous Substances...

Support by job coach

Subsidy or grant

Do you run a company in the Netherlands and do you employ a sick or disabled person who needs coaching? Or do you offer a potential employee a trial placement? You can apply for a subsidy to use a job...

Support International Business (SIB)

Subsidy or grant

Do you want to export your products or services? With the Support International Business (SIB) programme, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs helps companies that are aiming to move into foreign markets....

Sustainability and innovation subsidies in northern Netherlands

Subsidy or grant

Is your company located in one of the northern provinces Drenthe, Friesland or Groningen? And does your enterprise contribute to innovation and sustainability in the region? You may be eligible for a...

Sustainable Agriculture Investment Fund loan (IDL)

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Do you have a farm or horticultural business? And do you want to reduce your nitrogen load and make your business more sustainable? Then you can apply for a loan from the Sustainable Agriculture...

Sustainable energy investment subsidy scheme (ISDE)

Subsidy or grant

Do you want to make your business premises more sustainable, for instance by installing a solar boiler or heat pump? You can apply for the sustainable energy investment subsidy scheme...

Tax relief for new companies

Tax benefit

As a starting entrepreneur in the Netherlands, you may be eligible for the tax relief for new companies (startersaftrek). This is part of the entrepreneur allowance (ondernemersaftrek). You can get...

Tax schemes for environmentally-friendly investments (MIA and Vamil)

Tax benefit

Do you own a company in the Netherlands and do you invest in environment-friendly business assets or technology? You may be able to benefit from 2 tax schemes: the Environmental investment allowance...

Trial placement unemployed or people partially fit for work


Are you an employer in the Netherlands and do you want to hire someone who is unemployed or partially fit for work? If you are not sure this person is suitable for the job, you can offer them an...

TSE Industry subsidy schemes

Subsidy or grant

Do you work on innovative projects for more or cheaper climate-neutral or circular products and services? And do you expect to bring your innovation to market before 2030? You may be eligible for...

Unemployment benefit (WW) for inclement weather


Do you run a business in the Netherlands and does inclement weather prevent your employees from working? You can apply for a temporary unemployment benefit (in Dutch) for them. This is possible during...

Unemployment benefit during short-time working


If you run a business in the Netherlands and you have not enough work for your staff due to exceptional circumstances you can apply for a short-time working (werktijdverkorting, WTV) permit. This...

Wadden fund subsidy scheme STUW (Friesland, Groningen, Noord-Holland)

Subsidy or grant

Do you run a sustainability project in the Wadden area (Waddengebied)? You can apply for a subsidy under the Subsidy scheme Thematic Implementation Wadden fund (STUW) (Subsidieregeling Thematische...

Wage dispensation for employment of disabled workers


Do you want to hire an employee in the Netherlands who receives a Wajong benefit or an IVA-benefit? In some cases you are allowed to pay less than the minimum wage. You can apply for temporary wage...

Accelerated climate investments industry (VEKI) subsidy

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Do you want to take CO2-saving measures within your company by investing in equipment, systems, or techniques? Are the investment costs too high for you and is the payback period longer than 5 years?...

Circular Awards


Attention: temporarily closed

Do you have a circular business model or is your company developing an innovative circular project or product? Then you can enter the Circular Awards, organised by accelerator Versnellingshuis...

Climate-Neutral Economy Manufacturing Investment Subsidy (IMKE)

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Do you want to invest in a new production line to produce electrolysers, batteries, or solar panels or essential components for them? Or do you want to convert an existing production line or to expand...

Conversion to circular plastic production subsidy

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Does your company make plastic products or semi-finished products out of polymers? And do you want to increase the amount of circular plastics or bio-based polymers in your production process? Then...

Cybersecurity Innovation Fund (CIF-NL)

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Do you have a business or research organisation and do you want to develop a plan for innovation on a cybersecurity project? You may be eligible for the Cybersecurity Innovation Fund (CIF-NL). When...

European Partnership for Responsible Minerals (EPRM)

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Do you have an idea for a project to improve conditions for miners of tin, tantalum, tungsten, lithium, natural graphite, cobalt, copper, or nickel in conflict area’s? The European Partnership for...

EZK Energy Award


Attention: temporarily closed

Does your company work on ways to save energy, create sustainable energy, or renewable heat? You can enter the EZK Energy Award (EZK Energy Award, in Dutch). If you win the EZK Energy Award, you will...

Geothermal energy guarantee scheme

Subsidy or grant

Attention: closed

Do you want to make your business more sustainable by investing in a geothermal energy project? The energy yield can be lower than expected. You pay the premium of the Geothermal energy guarantee...

GlobalStars subsidy scheme

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Do you own an innovative company or do you develop new technologies for products, processes or services? And do you work together with one or more partners outside of Europe? Then you may be eligible...

Green Deal

Cooperation programme

Attention: closed

Are you involved in realising a sustainable project that is struggling to take off? If so, you can submit a proposal for a Green Deal. With a Green Deal, the Dutch central government aims to help...

Growth Facility Scheme

Credit, loan, or guarantee

Attention: temporarily closed

Do you have an SME in the Netherlands? And do you need financing, for instance to expand your business, for a takeover, to reorganise or restructure? You may be eligible for the Growth Facility Scheme...

Heat Network Investment Subsidy (WIS)

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Are you an entrepreneur and do you want to invest in a new heat network (district heating and block heating) to make homes gas-free? You can apply for the Heat Networks Investment Subsidy...

HIRB+ subsidy Support for future-proof work locations North Holland

Subsidy or grant

Attention: closed

Do you want to future-proof a business area in the province of North Holland (Noord-Holland)? You can apply for the HIRB+ subsidy Support for future-proof work locations (HIRB+ Ondersteuning...

Innowwide programme

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Is your SME working on an innovative product or service that you want to market outside the European Union? You can apply for the Innowwide programme. Innowwide helps you to conduct market research...

Interreg subsidy programme

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Do you work together with businesses or organisations from other European countries to improve sustainability in Europe? Or are you looking for international partners to carry out your innovation? You...

MKB Lounge subsidy programme

Subsidy or grant

Attention: closed

Sector organisations for small and medium-sized entreprises (SME or MKB in Dutch) may be eligible for the MKB Lounge subsidy programme. This subsidy enables sector organisations to set up Holland...

Orange Trade Mission Fund (OHMF)


Attention: temporarily closed

Are you an SME business owner and do you want to expand to the international market? Or are you already active in the international market but do you need support? You can participate in the Orange...

Partners for International Business (PIB)

Cooperation programme

Attention: temporarily closed

Do you want to enter a foreign market together with a group of companies and knowledge institutions? The Partners for International Business (PIB) programme helps you access opportunities in foreign...

Positive Energy Districts (PED) call

Subsidy or grant

Attention: closed

Do you help municipalities in making urban areas climate neutral? You can apply for the ERA-NET call for Positive Energy Districts (PEDs). This subsidy stimulates the transition towards a more...

Purchase subsidy zero emission trucks AanZET

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Do you want to buy or (financial) lease a new, zero emission truck for your business? You can apply for the Purchase subsidy zero emission trucks AanZET (Aanschafsubsidieregeling zero-emissie trucks...

Reducing ammonia emissions by industrial top emitters (BAIP)

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Do you have an industrial company that emits ammonia near a Natura 2000 area? Then you can apply for a subsidy to reduce ammonia emissions. With the subsidy scheme Reducing ammonia emissions by...

Reimbursement for damages due to disasters


Attention: closed

Does your company suffer damages as a result of a disaster? You may be eligible for support under the Reimbursement for damages due to disasters Act (Wet tegemoetkoming schade bij rampen, Wts, in...

Retirement reserve

Tax benefit

Attention: closed

You can no longer build up a fiscal retirement reserve (fiscale oudedagsreserve, FOR). The government has terminated the retirement reserve to prevent entrepreneurs from using the retirement reserve...

SME Innovation Stimulus for Regional and Top Sectors (MIT)

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Do you own an SME and do you want to work with other SMEs on innovative projects in the top sectors of the Netherlands? You may be eligible for the SME Innovation Stimulus for Regional and Top Sectors...

SME-voucher for intellectual property rights

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Are you an SME business owner and do you want to protect your intellectual property? Then you can make use of SME vouchers from the (EUIPO) European Intellectual Property Office’s SME Fund 2024. These...

Subsidy Circular chain projects

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Do you aim to reuse and recycle as much as possible? And do you want to work together with other small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)? You may be eligible for a subsidy to stimulate circular...

Subsidy for cyber resilient businesses (MCZ)

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Do you want to increase your company's digital security (cyber resilience)? Do you have a small business or are you self-employed? You can apply for the My Cyber Resilient Business (Mijn Cyberweerbare...

Subsidy for hydrogen in mobility (SWIM)

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Do you want to invest in hydrogen filling stations and hydrogen-powered vehicles? Partnerships can apply for the Hydrogen in Mobility (Subsidieregeling Waterstof in Mobiliteit, SWIM) subsidy scheme....

Subsidy for hydrogen production by electrolysis (OWE)

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Do you want to produce renewable (sustainable) hydrogen with an electrolyser? You can apply for the Subsidy scheme for large scale hydrogen production with an electrolyser (OWE). Renewable hydrogen is...

Subsidy for private charging stations (SPRILA)

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

The Private Charging Infrastructure at Businesses Subsidy Scheme (SPRILA) is for entrepreneurs who want to have charging infrastructure on their premises or get advice on it. Charging infrastructure...

Subsidy for public charging stations (SPULA)

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Do you have a car park, charging plaza or other location where heavy electric vehicles can charge? You may be able to use the Public Charging Infrastructure Heavy Transport Subsidy Scheme (SPULA). The...

Subsidy ITEA4 research programme

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

ITEA (Information Technology for European Advancement) is a European strategic research programme for the development of software-intensive systems and services. ITEA is focused on market/applied...

Subsidy Mission-driven Research, Development and Innovation (MOOI)

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Do you work on a project that can help realise the goals listed in the National Climate Agreement? And do you work together with other parties? You may be eligible for the subsidy for Mission-driven...

Subsidy Scheme for practice based learning

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Would you like to offer work-based learning or practical learning opportunities? The Subsidy Scheme for practice based learning (Subsidieregeling praktijkleren) may offer you compensation for the...

Subsidy scheme for zero emission commercial vehicles (SEBA)

Subsidy or grant

Attention: closed

If you buy a new zero-emission (electric) commercial vehicle, you may be eligible for a subsidy of at most €5,000 (per vehicle). You can apply for the Subsidy scheme for zero emission commercial...

Subsidy strengthening cyber resilience

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Does your company work in a non-vital sector (you do not offer products or services that are of vital importance to the Dutch society)? Do you want to increase your company’s cyber resilience? If you...

Sustainability and innovation subsidies in southern Netherlands (OPZUID)

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Is your business located in the provinces of Limburg, Noord-Brabant or Zeeland? Do you contribute to innovation and sustainability in the region? You may apply for a subsidy from the OPZUID 2021-2027...

Sustainable energy production and climate transition subsidy scheme (SDE++)

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Do you produce renewable energy or do you use techniques that reduce CO2? You can apply for a subsidy through the subsidy scheme Sustainable Energy Production and Climate Transition (Stimulering...

Temporary Subsidy Scheme for Aviation in Transition (LIT)

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Do you have an SME and does your business contribute to reducing harmful emissions in the aviation sector? And are you doing so with a project aimed at developing technological solutions, innovative...

The Golden Pyramid State Prize


Attention: temporarily closed

Once every two years, the Dutch government awards the Golden Pyramid (Gouden Piramide, in Dutch) to an 'inspiring commissioning party' in architecture, landscape or interior architecture, spatial...

Young Expert Programmes Energy Subsidy (YEP)

Subsidy or grant

Attention: temporarily closed

Does your company work on renewable energy in developing countries? And would you like to hire a young professional to support this work? You may be eligible for a Young Expert Programmes (YEP) Energy...