Repaying the temporary emergency bridging measure NOW

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

Did you make use of the Temporary emergency bridging measure for sustained employment (Tijdelijke Noodmaatregel Overbrugging voor Werkbehoud, NOW)? And did your turnover exceed expectations? Or has your wage bill gone down? You may have to repay (part of) the NOW support. The NOW is meant as a compensation towards wages if you suffer a substantial turnover loss.

Do you have to repay?

You will have to repay the NOW if you received too much. This can happen if your turnover is higher than expected when you applied for NOW. Or if your total wage sum had gone down, for instance if you did not renew an employee’s contract.

You will have to apply for a final settlement to the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) for each period of NOW separately (in Dutch). When UWV has calculated the final reimbursement, they will send you a letter. With this letter UWV will tell you if you will receive a supplementary payment, or that you have to repay (part of) the support, and the amount you will receive or repay. If you need to repay you will receive another letter with the payment details.

Please note: You will have to apply for the final settlements yourself to UWV.

Applications for final settlement

All applications for final settlement are now closed. You can review all important dates for NOW (in Dutch).

Please note: If you did not apply for a final settlement in time, UWV will send you a letter with information on what you can do to avoid having to pay back the entire advance payment.

How much do you have to repay?

You repay the amount you have received in excess. The amount depends on your turnover loss or the decrease in your wage bill. You can make use of payment arrangements (in Dutch) UWV has set up.

When do you have to repay?

You can repay in one go. If you are unable to do so you can apply for a custom payment arrangement to fit your situation. Then you can pay back in monthly instalments or at a later date that better suits your situation.

You can apply for a payment arrangement by telephone (via 088 - 898 20 04) or online to UWV (in Dutch). You cannot make an arrangement for more than 1 period at a time. UWV also cannot settle repayment for 1 period with repayment for another period.

Whom do you have to repay?

If you received too much NOW support, you repay to UWV since you have received the money from UWV.


For more information on the NOW measure and the repayment arrangements you can contact UWV (in Dutch).

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