Sustainable purchasing
When making purchasing decisions, you look at the price, quality, and delivery time of a product. With sustainable purchasing, you also pay attention to the consequences for people and the environment. Especially if you are dealing with foreign suppliers. Check your supply chain and avoid risks that could harm your product or business.
Consider which sustainability topics are important to you
Sustainable purchasing, or socially responsible investing (SRI), is different for every company. Consider which sustainability themes are most important for your company. That determines what requirements you set for your supplier’s products or services.
Know your production chain
Customers, governments, and social organisations expect you to do business with respect for people and the environment. Internationally, this is laid down in the OECD guidelines for responsible business conduct (RBC). You are responsible for the entire chain of your product or service that you sell. From raw material to finished product. So, make sure you know what is going on in the production chain and with your suppliers. And see how you can prevent or stop risks. Use the CSR Risk Check tool of MVO Nederland for this purpose.
Keep a check on raw materials
Some raw materials needed to make your product may suddenly become more expensive. Or become harder to get. This can be a risk for your business. At the Kennisplein grondststoffen (in Dutch), you can read more about this risk and how to reduce it. Also use the Raw Materials Scanner (in Dutch). This tells you whether raw materials you depend on might become scarce in the future or pose a risk to people and the environment.
Avoid risks when purchasing abroad
If you buy products abroad, it is important to know the origin. Production may take place in a different country than your supplier’s country. And under different circumstances than in the Netherlands. For example, poor working conditions, corruption, or discrimination. Avoid risks that could harm your product or business. Read how you do business abroad responsibly.
Be aware of corruption abroad
If you do business abroad, you may encounter bribery or corruption. Corruption is punishable under Dutch law. Even if the corrupt acts take place abroad. Read what you can do to avoid difficult situations in the brochure 'Doing business honestly, without corruption'. For example, by using international model contracts.
Government and socially responsible procurement
The Dutch government engages in socially responsible procurement (maatschappelijk verantwoord inkopen, MVI, in Dutch) setting a good example. Other authorities such as municipalities, provinces, and water authorities are also working on MVI. If you do business in a socially responsible manner, you have a greater chance of winning a government contract. Read more about working for the government through a tender.
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