Subsidy Scheme for practice based learning

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

Would you like to offer work-based learning or practical learning opportunities? The Subsidy Scheme for practice based learning (Subsidieregeling praktijkleren) may offer you compensation for the costs for mentoring pupils, students, or participants in various further education sectors:

  • lower vocational professional education (vmbo)
  • special secondary education (VSO)
  • practical education (PRO)
  • intermediate vocational education (mbo)
  • higher vocational education (hbo)
  • doctorate students and technical designers in training (TOIOs)

You can receive at most €2,700 for a work placement or traineeship per academic year.

When do you qualify?

If you want to apply for the practice based learning subsidy, you must meet a number of conditions:

  • You meet the conditions for the type of education (in Dutch).
  • You apply for the subsidy at the end of the study year, after the work placement.
  • You must keep records (in Dutch), for instance a valid work placement contract and a copy of the diploma. You need to be able to show your records on request.
  • The students for whom you apply must be registered in the Students' Register (Register Onderwijsdeelnemers, ROD).

Students from foreign educational institutions

If you hire a student from a foreign educational institute, you may also be eligible for the practice based learning scheme. You must have foreign education recognised by the Education Executive Agency (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs, in Dutch). You will then receive a statement on which Dutch training programme the foreign training programme corresponds with. Once you receive the statement you can apply for the subsidy.

Extra subsidy for specific sectors

Extra subsidy is available for work placement companies in specific sectors. This supplement (in Dutch) is available if you offer intermediate vocational education - work-based learning pathway (mbo-bbl) in agriculture, hospitality, or recreation.

How to apply?

You can apply for this subsidy scheme for practice based learning (in Dutch) from 3 June 2024, 9.00 hours until 17 September 2024, 17.00 hours with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). Applications run according to the academic year and can be submitted at the end of the placement.

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