Plus loan for cultural enterprises (Cultuurlening Plus)
Are you a professional artist or do you own a cultural enterprise or organisation in the creative sector? And do you want to finance a professional cultural production? You can apply for the Cultuurlening Plus loan of up to €500,000 per project
What is the Cultuurlening Plus?
The Cultuurlening Plusfrom the Foundation for Culture+Entrepreneurship (Cultuur+Ondernemen, in Dutch) is meant to stimulate growth and innovation in the cultural and creative sector. With this loan makers and organisations will have the opportunity to experiment with new work, different makers and new ways of reaching the public. It is complementary to existing funding schemes for the cultural sector. The loan amounts to at least €60,000 and at most €500,000 per project. The duration of the loan is 5 years.
Who can apply?
To apply for the Cultuurlening Plus (in Dutch) you must fulfil the conditions:
- You have a realistic and feasible artistic plan. You have set up a budget for the plan. The aim of you plan is to attract different sources of revenue from among others the public.
- You demonstrate how you plan to repay the loan.
- You may not use the loan refinance other debts.
- You organisation is established in the Netherlands.
- The project you intend to defiance with his loan will be carried out in the Netherlands.
How to apply?
You can apply for the CultuurleningPlus to the Foundation for Culture+Entrepreneurship. The foundation will assess your application. A personal interview is part of the process.