Subsidies and schemes
Search for subsidies, financial arrangements, and tax benefits from the State, the European Union, and your province.
For all entrepreneurs (1)
For your sector
Type of scheme
Circular Batteries Subsidy (SCB)
Subsidy or grant
Do you want to improve and develop sustainable batteries or battery chain systems? Or do you want to improve the recycling process of batteries? Then you can apply for the Circular Batteries Subsidy...
Circular Plastics NL Subsidy (CPNL)
Subsidy or grant
Does your company make, process, or use plastics? And do you want to cooperate with other entrepreneurs or research institutions to improve the plastic recycling process? Then you can apply for the...
Dutch journalism subsidies
Subsidy or grant
Are you a media organisation, do you produce printed, or digital media publications with journalistic content? Or are you a media startup or investigative journalist? You may be eligible for a subsidy...
Innovation box
Tax benefit
Do you make profit from innovative activities? If so, you may be able to use the innovation box (in Dutch). This is a special tariff box on your corporate tax return. This allows you to pay less...
Innovation Credit Scheme
Credit, loan, or guarantee
Does your company work on a promising and challenging innovation? For instance you develop a new product, medicine or device? You can apply for a loan under the Innovation Credit Scheme. The amount of...
Innovation Fund Noord-Holland
Credit, loan, or guarantee
Do you run a small or medium enterprise or a startup in the province Noord-Holland? And are you planning a proof-of-concept project, in which you will prove the efficacy of an innovation? You may be...
Loan TMI Proof of concept fund Flevoland (POC Fonds)
Credit, loan, or guarantee
Do you have an idea for technological innovation? Is your SME based in, or moving to Flevoland? You may be eligible for a loan from the TMI Proof of concept fund Flevoland (POC Fonds). Who can apply?...
Opportunities for West (Kansen voor West)
Subsidy or grant
Do you own an SME located in the provinces of Noord- and Zuid-Holland, Utrecht, or Flevoland? You can apply for a subsidy for innovative projects from Opportunities for West (Kansen voor West, in...
Plus loan for cultural enterprises (Cultuurlening Plus)
Credit, loan, or guarantee
Are you a professional artist or do you own a cultural enterprise or organisation in the creative sector? And do you want to finance a professional cultural production? You can apply for the...
R&D tax credit (WBSO)
Tax benefit
Do you run a company in the Netherlands that carries out research and development (R&D) work (Speur- en Ontwikkelingswerk, S&O)? You may be able to lower the costs for your development and research...
SBIR small business innovation competition
Do you want to work on innovative solutions to societal issues? The Small Business Innovation Research Programme (SBIR, in Dutch) aims to stimulate entrepreneurs within the European Union propose...
Seed Capital Scheme
Credit, loan, or guarantee
If you run a startup in the technological or creative sector and need an investment, you may be eligible for the Seed Capital scheme. This scheme consists of financial support as well as practical...
Start-up loan for cultural enterprises
Subsidy or grant
Do you have an enterprise in the cultural sector? And do you need funding for new projects, programmes, productions, or products? You may be eligible for the Start-up loan for cultural enterprises...
Starterslift Loan (Mid-West Brabant)
Credit, loan, or guarantee
Do you have a promising, knowledge intensive start-up in the region Mid-West Brabant? You can apply for pre-seed funding through Starterslift Investments. This funding is provided in the form of a...
STOZ subsidy to promote digital technology in healthcare
Subsidy or grant
Do you provide healthcare or home care? And do you want to use more digital or hybrid (partly digital) processes in your work? If so, you may be able to get a subsidy through the Incentive scheme for...
Subsidies for designers and cultural institutions
Subsidy or grant
Are you a designer, do you work in the field of digital culture, or do you run a cultural institution? You may be eligible for a subsidy from the Creative Industries Fund NL (Stimuleringsfonds...
Subsidies for literary publishers
Subsidy or grant
As a publisher of literary works, you may be eligible for a subsidy from the Dutch Foundation for Literature (Nederlands Letterenfonds). They offer subsidies for: production costs for special...
Subsidies for visual arts and cultural heritage
Subsidy or grant
Do you work in the field of visual arts or in the cultural heritage sector? If so, you can apply for a grant from the Mondriaan Fund (Mondriaan Fonds). The fund has several grant schemes for cultural...
Subsidies for writers and translators
Subsidy or grant
Are you a writer or translator of literary works? You can apply for a subsidy from the Dutch Foundation for Literature (Nederlands Letterenfonds). Among others there are subsidies for: project...
Subsidy for a nationally or locally listed building
Subsidy or grant
Do you own a monument or a building of cultural or historical significance? You may qualify for a loan or subsidy for conservation (maintenance), a new designation for or restoration of your monument....
Subsidy for film productions
Subsidy or grant
Film producers, directors, screenwriters, and distributors in the Netherlands may be eligible for a subsidy from the Netherlands Film Fund (Nederlands Filmfonds). Funding options are available for the...
Subsidy for providing essential medical care to uninsured patients
Subsidy or grant
Are you a healthcare organisation and do you provide essential medical care to uninsured patients? Or are you uncertain about whether a patient is insured. Then you can apply for a subsidy for...
Subsidy for stimulation and feasibility study for energy innovation (Overijssel)
Subsidy or grant
Are you located in the province of Overijssel and do you have an innovative idea to save energy? Then you can apply for the subsidy for stimulation for energy innovation to further support and develop...
Subsidy scheme for sustainability and innovation Overijssel and Gelderland (OP East)
Subsidy or grant
Do you have an idea for an innovative and sustainable project in Overijssel or Gelderland? You can apply for a subsidy or loan from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with OP Oost. The ERDF...
Climate-Neutral Economy Manufacturing Investment Subsidy (IMKE)
Subsidy or grant
Attention: temporarily closed
Do you want to invest in a new production line to produce electrolysers, batteries, or solar panels or essential components for them? Or do you want to convert an existing production line or to expand...
EZK Energy Award
Attention: temporarily closed
Does your company work on ways to save energy, create sustainable energy, or renewable heat? You can enter the EZK Energy Award (EZK Energy Award, in Dutch). If you win the EZK Energy Award, you will...
GlobalStars subsidy scheme
Subsidy or grant
Attention: temporarily closed
Do you own an innovative company or do you develop new technologies for products, processes or services? And do you work together with one or more partners outside of Europe? Then you may be eligible...
Innowwide programme
Subsidy or grant
Attention: temporarily closed
Is your SME working on an innovative product or service that you want to market outside the European Union? You can apply for the Innowwide programme. Innowwide helps you to conduct market research...
Interreg subsidy programme
Subsidy or grant
Attention: temporarily closed
Do you work together with businesses or organisations from other European countries to improve sustainability in Europe? Or are you looking for international partners to carry out your innovation? You...
SME Innovation Stimulus for Regional and Top Sectors (MIT)
Subsidy or grant
Attention: temporarily closed
Do you own an SME and do you want to work with other SMEs on innovative projects in the top sectors of the Netherlands? You may be eligible for the SME Innovation Stimulus for Regional and Top Sectors...
SME-voucher for intellectual property rights
Subsidy or grant
Attention: temporarily closed
Are you an SME business owner and do you want to protect your intellectual property? Then you can make use of SME vouchers from the (EUIPO) European Intellectual Property Office’s SME Fund 2024. These...
Subsidy Circular chain projects
Subsidy or grant
Attention: temporarily closed
Do you aim to reuse and recycle as much as possible? And do you want to work together with other small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)? You may be eligible for a subsidy to stimulate circular...
Subsidy for cyber resilient businesses (MCZ)
Subsidy or grant
Attention: temporarily closed
Do you want to increase your company's digital security (cyber resilience)? Do you have a small business or are you self-employed? You can apply for the My Cyber Resilient Business (Mijn Cyberweerbare...
Subsidy for public charging stations (SPULA)
Subsidy or grant
Attention: temporarily closed
Do you have a car park, charging plaza or other location where heavy electric vehicles can charge? You may be able to use the Public Charging Infrastructure Heavy Transport Subsidy Scheme (SPULA). The...
Subsidy ITEA4 research programme
Subsidy or grant
Attention: temporarily closed
ITEA (Information Technology for European Advancement) is a European strategic research programme for the development of software-intensive systems and services. ITEA is focused on market/applied...
Temporary Subsidy Scheme for Aviation in Transition (LIT)
Subsidy or grant
Attention: temporarily closed
Do you have an SME and does your business contribute to reducing harmful emissions in the aviation sector? And are you doing so with a project aimed at developing technological solutions, innovative...