Subsidies and schemes
Search for subsidies, financial arrangements, and tax benefits from the State, the European Union, and your province.
For all entrepreneurs
For your sector (1)
Type of scheme
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Subsidy or grant
Can your company contribute to developing or modernising transport, energy, or digital networks across Europe? You may be eligible for a European subsidy under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)....
Loan TMI Proof of concept fund Flevoland (POC Fonds)
Credit, loan, or guarantee
Do you have an idea for technological innovation? Is your SME based in, or moving to Flevoland? You may be eligible for a loan from the TMI Proof of concept fund Flevoland (POC Fonds). Who can apply?...
Nesec Shipping Debt Fund loan
Credit, loan, or guarantee
If you are a shipowner and you want to buy or modify a short sea vessel, you can apply for a Nesec Shipping Debt Fund (NSDF) loan. You can apply for a loan of at least €3,000,000 to at most...
Seed Capital Scheme
Credit, loan, or guarantee
If you run a startup in the technological or creative sector and need an investment, you may be eligible for the Seed Capital scheme. This scheme consists of financial support as well as practical...
Subsidy to encourage switch from road to water or railway transport (Modal Shift)
Subsidy or grant
Are you a consigner or freight forwarder in road transport? If you switch to transport by inland waterway or railway, you can apply for the Modal Shift subsidy. Shipping via water or railway reduces...
Green Deal
Cooperation programme
Attention: closed
Are you involved in realising a sustainable project that is struggling to take off? If so, you can submit a proposal for a Green Deal. With a Green Deal, the Dutch central government aims to help...
Purchase subsidy zero emission trucks AanZET
Subsidy or grant
Attention: temporarily closed
Do you want to buy or (financial) lease a new, zero emission truck for your business? You can apply for the Purchase subsidy zero emission trucks AanZET (Aanschafsubsidieregeling zero-emissie trucks...
SME Innovation Stimulus for Regional and Top Sectors (MIT)
Subsidy or grant
Attention: temporarily closed
Do you own an SME and do you want to work with other SMEs on innovative projects in the top sectors of the Netherlands? You may be eligible for the SME Innovation Stimulus for Regional and Top Sectors...
Subsidy for hydrogen in mobility (SWIM)
Subsidy or grant
Attention: temporarily closed
Do you want to invest in hydrogen filling stations and hydrogen-powered vehicles? Partnerships can apply for the Hydrogen in Mobility (Subsidieregeling Waterstof in Mobiliteit, SWIM) subsidy scheme....
Subsidy for private charging stations (SPRILA)
Subsidy or grant
Attention: temporarily closed
The Private Charging Infrastructure at Businesses Subsidy Scheme (SPRILA) is for entrepreneurs who want to have charging infrastructure on their premises or get advice on it. Charging infrastructure...
Temporary Subsidy Scheme for Aviation in Transition (LIT)
Subsidy or grant
Attention: temporarily closed
Do you have an SME and does your business contribute to reducing harmful emissions in the aviation sector? And are you doing so with a project aimed at developing technological solutions, innovative...