Installing a vending machine

Published by:
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK

Do you want to sell products from a vending machine? There are rules you must follow. You may need a licence. There are additional rules for selling food from a vending machine.

Why install a vending machine?

There are various reasons to start selling products from a vending machine:

  • You use the vending machine as an additional point of sale in your shop. For example, a vending machine with baguettes at a bakery, or automatic windows at a snack bar.
  • You have a vending machine as a service for your customers. Such as a vending machine with food and drinks in your waiting room.
  • You want to start a company that places and manages vending machines in different locations. For example, in nightclubs or schools.
  • You want to sell your own products at home. Think of an egg vending machine at a chicken farm.
  • You want a complete shop without staff and start a shop with vending machines.

Starting your own vending machine business

If you want to start a new business in vending machine sales, think about what agreements you want to make with the locations about sharing profits. You can work out your plans in a business plan. Read the How to start a business in the Netherlands checklist.

Licences for vending machines

Whether you need a licence to set up a vending machine depends on the situation and the rules in your municipality. These are some of the rules you may have to comply with:

The rules that apply vary from one municipality to another. The municipality lays down the rules in the General Municipal By-Law (APV) and in the Environment Plan. Do the permit check (in Dutch) at the Omgevingsloket online service counter to find out which rules apply to you. Or contact your municipality to discuss your plans.

Your registration with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK

If you are starting a new business in vending machine sales, you need to register with KVK. Do you already sell products over the counter and are you also going to sell via a vending machine? Then you do not need to change your KVK registration. But if you open an extra branch, you must report this to KVK.

Is selling products a new activity for your business? Then add this activity to the description of your company in the KVK Business Register. This will ensure that your details remain correct. Incorrect information can have consequences for your company. Updating your details in the Business Register is free of charge.

Selling food and drink via a vending machine

Just like ordinary shops, if you sell food or drinks you must comply with the rules of the Commodities Act and work according to a hygiene code.

When selling food or drinks from a vending machine, you must also:

  • Keep food at the temperature stated on the label. You must measure and record the temperature in the vending machine. You can do this yourself or use an automatic system that remotely monitors the temperature (a logger).
  • Check how long you can store the food you buy or have prepared yourself. Each hygiene code states how many days you can keep food you have prepared yourself and at what temperature (in Dutch).
  • Keep the vending machine clean and pest-free.
  • Make sure customers are given information about ingredients in the food or drink that they may be allergic to (allergens) before payment.

Rules for selling alcohol and tobacco from a vending machine