Supplier’s declaration 2015/2447

Published by:
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK

Proof of origin for an EUR.1

Are you planning to use an invoice declaration? Or do you want to apply for an EUR.1 certificate for trade goods? And do you need documentary evidence to prove the origin of those goods? Then you will need a supplier's declaration of preferential origin (2015/2447). Your supplier must issue this declaration. The EUR.1 certificate and the invoice declaration allow you to pay less or no import duty in the destination country. How much discount on import duty you get varies per product and per country.

2 situations in which you need a supplier’s declaration (2015/2447)

  • You export goods to certain non-EU countries and want to apply for an EUR.1 certificate with KVK or use an invoice declaration. In both cases, you need to prove that the goods are of preferential EU origin. You can do so by submitting a supplier’s declaration for trade goods. In some cases, you can also submit a supplier’s declaration for goods you produced using unfinished products purchased from third parties.
  • Your customer wants to export goods supplied by you to a country requiring an EUR.1 certificate or an invoice declaration. Your customer will ask you for a supplier’s declaration.

Download a supplier’s declaration of preferential origin

Preferential supplier’s declarations are issued under EU Regulation 2015/2447. This regulation took effect in 2015 and is still in force.

You can download the preferential supplier’s declarations from Here you will find supplier’s declarations for single and repeated use, in Dutch, English, French, and German.


You want to export agricultural machinery produced in Germany to Morocco. You have a 2015/2447 supplier's declaration, which allows you to apply for an EUR.1 certificate for Morocco. The machines were made in Germany and many of the raw materials and/or semi-finished products were of EU origin. This means that the machines meet the requirements for preferential origin. With the supplier’s declaration, your supplier certifies that the products comply with the rules of origin. This declaration lets you apply for an EUR.1 document or use an invoice declaration.

Tips for preparing a supplier’s declaration

  • Make sure that the supplier’s declaration is printed on the original letterhead of the company issuing the declaration.
  • Describe the goods clearly and specifically, avoiding vague or general terms. “Furniture, wooden coffee tables, commodity code” is better than just “Furniture”.
  • Under footnote 5, enter all potential destination countries. These countries must have an agreement with the country or group of countries listed in footnote 4.
  • List the country codes or the full names of the destination countries.
  • Feel free to reach out to KVK if you have further questions.


Some products are processed in 2 or more EU or non-EU countries. In some cases, these products may still be of EU origin because of something called ‘cumulation’ (cumulatie). KVK can help you find out if cumulation is applicable to your situation.

Questions relating to this article?

Please contact the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK