EPR: producers responsible for waste from used products

Published by:
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK

Are you a producer, or do you import a product? You may have extended producer responsibility (EPR) for your products. That means you must help dispose of the waste that remains after use of your product. For example, by collecting, recycling, or reusing products. Find out if extended producer responsibility (Uitgebreide Producentenverantwoordelijkheid, UPV) applies to your business.

What is extended producer responsibility (EPR)?

Many products damage the environment after use. To prevent this, the government has made rules. Those rules are laid down in the Besluit regeling voor uitgebreide producentenverantwoordelijkheid (Decree on extended producer responsibility). The UPV, as it is commonly known in the Netherlands (the EPR in English) applies to 6 product groups:

  • Car tyres and scrap cars
  • Batteries and accumulators
  • Electrical and electronic equipment
  • Textiles
  • Packaging
  • Disposable plastic

You are considered a producer if you make a product in one of these product groups in the Netherlands, or if you introduce such a product onto the Dutch market for the first time as an importer. You must then:

  • provide a collection point for discarded products
  • ensure proper handling of discarded products
  • pay for disposal

Additional rules may apply per product. Sometimes you can cooperate with other producers for this. For some products, this is compulsory. A specially appointed organisation can ensure that discarded products are disposed of on behalf of its members. And that this is done according to the rules.

Car tyres and scrap cars

Are you a manufacturer or importer of car tyres or cars? Then you must ensure that used tyres or scrap cars (car wrecks, end-of-life vehicles) can be returned. And processed properly. For example, you must have a system for collecting scrap cars. This can also be done together with other manufacturers or importers.

Read more about collecting and processing scrap cars.

Collecting batteries and accumulators

Are you a producer or importer of batteries or accumulators? Or of products containing batteries or accumulators? Then you must ensure that the batteries or accumulators are returned after use. You must arrange a countrywide collection network. And the batteries and accumulators must be processed in the cleanest and best way possible.

You can do this together with other manufacturers and importers. In the case of portable batteries and bicycle batteries, it is even mandatory to cooperate. There is an organisation for this, Stibat.

Read more about collecting batteries and accumulators.

Recycling electronic devices

Are you a manufacturer or importer of electrical or electronic devices and are you bringing them on the market for the first time? Under your own name or brand? Or do you import these devices? Then you must also collect and recycle the devices.

You must do this properly. And with a fixed percentage of your products. You must also put information about recycling on the product. And you must give processing companies information on how to reuse and process your appliances.

Read more about recycling electrical and electronic appliances.


Do you produce or import household textiles or clothing? You must comply with the rules for recycling and reusing textiles. For example, you must collect textile waste. And you must report to the government. You must also ensure that from 2025, textiles can be prepared for reuse. And can be recycled.

Read more about the rules for reusing and recycling textiles.


Do you market or import products in packaging? Or do you have another brand put on packaging? Or are you marketing packaging that is given to a consumer along with another product?

If so, you must ensure that this packaging is collected and recycled. There are several things you must do. For example, reuse more packaging material each year. And incorporate more recycled material into new packaging each year.

Read more about packaging requirements.

Disposable plastic (litter)

Do you manufacture or import disposable plastic products? If so, for several products, you must help pay for collecting the waste and clean-up of litter. Such as cups, trays, and bags. You must also encourage consumers to properly dispose of plastic and prevent litter. You must report your business to the government and report annually on how you comply with EPR rules.

Read more about the rules for single-use plastics and plastic waste disposal

Questions relating to this article?

Please contact the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK