Rules and regulations for all entrepreneurs
The Dutch Copyright Act (Auteurswet) automatically protects the copyright of works of literature, science, and art from the moment the work is created, on condition that the work in question is an...
You can protect a design, drawing, or a combination of both by registering the design. Design registration enables you to protect your design or drawing from anyone who wants to use, abuse, or copy it...
Does your business have trade secrets? You may if you develop innovative products or services and want to prevent others from copying your products or processes. It is important that your business...
Do you produce or process a regional product? You can apply for European protection against copying or misuse. With this protection you can protect your product from vendors who wrongfully sell the...
The trademark law protects your trademark (brand). If you want to set yourself apart from your competitors, you register your own trademark at a charge. After registration, other parties are not...
If you have made a semiconductor product, you can protect its topography by registering it with the Netherlands Patent Office. What are semiconductor products? Semiconductors are products which...
If you intend to work as a patent attorney in the Netherlands, you can only do so if you are registered in the Register of Patent Attorneys (Octrooigemachtigdenregister, in Dutch). This is because the...