Rules and regulations for all entrepreneurs
For most activities in the physical environment (in Dutch), you must make a notification or apply for an environment and planning permit. For example, you apply for an environment and planning permit...
You must apply for a modification permit if the change results in any of these situations: your business activity nolonger matches your permit a change to the facilities causes it to (partially) fall...
There are 2 types of environment and planning permits for building: an environment and planning permit for a technical building activity. For instance a building’s safety, sustainability, and use an...
A company may carry out more than 1 environmentally harmful activity (in Dutch). For each of these activities, you need an environment and planning permit, or you must submit a notification. The...
Do you want to cut down, move, or drastically prune 1 or more trees? And do you want to do this within your municipality’s built-up area? Then in some cases you must apply for an environment and...
The information in this article may change after 1 January 2024 Some of the information on this page may change after the Environment and Planning Act comes into effect on 1 January 2024. It will be...
Do you run a business in the Netherlands? Dutch government inspectors may visit your company for an inspection. You may receive inspections from government agencies such as the Netherlands Labour...
Do you have a commercial building with parking spaces on your premises? Or do you plan a major renovation for your commercial building? In most cases, you must have charging points for your employees’...
Does your company employ over 50 people? Then you must meet the requirements of the Dutch Whistleblower Protection Act (Wet bescherming klokkenluiders, Wbk). The law requires you to have a...
Apply for a permit for professional fireworks You need permits to store and set off professional fireworks. You also have to submit a notification for some activities. Go to the online service counter...
Responsible business conduct (RBC) or corporate social responsibility (CSR) means taking responsibility for the impact of your business operation on people, the environment and society. You make sure...
Do you wish to use a sustainability claim to make known your product or service is sustainable? For instance, by stating on the packaging that you use renewable materials, or that the packaging is...
What is fauna management? Fauna management includes: controlling animals that cause damage and nuisance ensuring that certain groups of wild animals do not grow too large (population management)...