Rules and regulations for all entrepreneurs
If you have a company in the Netherlands, you have to pay energy tax (energiebelasting) if your business consumes energy. The amount of energy tax you owe depends on how much energy you use. You can...
Do you have a commercial building with parking spaces on your premises? Or do you plan a major renovation for your commercial building? In most cases, you must have charging points for your employees’...
Does your company have a combustion plant? Or are you having a combustion plant installed? If so, you must comply with the rules for air emissions, measurements, inspections, and maintenance. These...
Do you supply heat to consumers or to small businesses with a maximum connection of 100 Kilowatt? And do you manage 1 or more heat grids (district or block heating)? You must adhere to the Dutch Heat...
Does your company or organisation have a location that uses large amounts of energy? This means an annual energy consumption of more than 50,000 kWh of electricity or 25,000 m3 of gas or the...