Rules and regulations for your sector
Do you want to survey or remove (clean up) asbestos? You must be listed in the register for asbestos surveyal and removal (in Dutch). To be listed, you need a valid certificate. The register is...
Do you perform work on gas appliances / gas combustion installations? For instance, as a central heating engineer? You must have a CO certificate to install, maintain, or repair such equipment. This...
Do you recruit staff in the Netherlands? You are not allowed to ask questions about the health and sickness (absenteeism) of a candidate. You can only ask such questions during a pre-appointment...
If you own a company in the Netherlands and you or your employees work at height, you must take measures for fall protection. This is required by the Dutch Working Conditions Decree. When is fall...
If your employees are exposed to harmful noise levels, you must take measures. You have to prevent hearing damage. Employees should comply with the measures you take. Dangerous noise levels Do your...
Do you want to start a construction project that may involve safety risks? You must draw up a Health and Safety Plan (veiligheids- en gezondheidsplan, V&G-plan). This plan explains how the building...
Is there a potential explosion hazard on your company premises (gas, vapour, mist, or dust explosion)? The equipment and products you use must be explosion proof. And your employees must be able to...
Personal protective equipment provides protection against accidents involving a person’s head, face, eyes, ears, hands and feet. The equipment must comply with the Personal Protective Equipment...
Are you an employer in the Netherlands? You must report serious industrial accidents (work-related accidents) to the Netherlands Labour Authority (Nederlandse Arbeidsinspectie , NLA). An inspector...
Do you have a construction and demolition business? In most cases you must appoint a Safety Coordinator Immediate Surroundings (Veiligheidscoördinator Directe Omgeving) for construction and demolition...
Are you active in diving and caisson work? You usually have to report this and have proof of registration. There are various occupational risks (in Dutch) involved in diving. Divers work under excess...
Do you work with explosives? You must keep to strict rules. The Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) checks whether companies and citizens follow the rules with regard to working with...
You have to provide a safe (working) environment for your employees and visitors. You must take company emergency response measures (bedrijfshulpverlening, BHV). A company emergency response officer...
Work equipment should not be dangerous to work with for your employees. If you have a company in the Netherlands that uses tools, machines, and installations, you must maintain these regularly and...
Do you employ staff? You must provide good working conditions for all your employees. Your staff must work in a safe and healthy workplace. This is described in the Working Conditions Act...
Working in an enclosed space means that the workplace is difficult to access and has little natural ventilation. It is often cramped, poorly lit, and there are few ways to escape. Hazardous substances...
In the Netherlands, producing, applying, and recycling asbestos is prohibited. If you are planning to renovate or demolish a structure you must check if it contains asbestos. Asbestos must be removed...
Manufacturers, importers, distributors, and professional users of chemical substances and mixtures must meet safety standards. Is your company established in the Netherlands or another EU country? You...
Do your employees work with electricity? You must adhere to the Working Conditions Act (Arbowet) and work according to NEN standared. Working conditions for working with electricity Working with...
Hazardous substances are dangerous for humans, animals, and the environment. They may be explosive, poisonous, or carcinogenic. If you own a company in the Netherlands, you must take measures to avoid...
Do your employees work with hoisting and lifting machines? Then you must meet the requirements of the Working Conditions Decree (Arbeidsomstandighedenbesluit). You must keep to safety requirements and...