Rules and regulations for your sector
Do your activities pose a risk to protected nature areas, such as a Natura 2000 area? You may need an environment and planning permit. You must also prevent or repair any damage as much as possible....
The information in this article may change after 1 January 2024 Some of the information on this page may change after the Environment and Planning Act comes into effect on 1 January 2024. It will be...
Certain activities are not allowed: In a water extraction area, the water company extracts water for use as drinking water. The water extraction area is protected by strict regulations. Only...
For most activities in the physical environment (in Dutch), you must make a notification or apply for an environment and planning permit. For example, you apply for an environment and planning permit...
Do you import goods from outside the EU? Your import may be covered by the rules set in the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Regulation. If this is the case, you may have to report these...
Do you work with F-gases (synthetic refrigerants) the Netherlands? You must have the right certificates. You deal with F-gases if you work on for instance: cooling, air-conditioning, and heat-pump...
Will you carry out work that could harm (protected) plants and animals? If so, you may need an environment and planning permit. If you work according to an approved code of conduct, you do not need to...
A company may carry out more than 1 environmentally harmful activity (in Dutch). For each of these activities, you need an environment and planning permit, or you must submit a notification. The...
Excavation means work where you change something in the elevation of the terrain. Or whereby you lower the bottom of a body of water. For example, to: build roads or dig foundation pits extract raw...
For activities near water you may need to apply for an environment and planning permit (omgevingsvergunning) for water activities (previously a water permit). In some cases you only need to submit a...
Noise regulations in the environment plan The noise rules you must follow depend on the work you do and the location where your company carries out this work. The noise regulations are set out in the...
Do you want to excavate (dig) mechanically or have excavation works performed in the Netherlands? Then you must submit a notification to the Dutch Land Registry Office (Kadaster) and to the...
In the Netherlands, if you want to dispose of equipment containing PCBs (polychlorobiphenyls) in a commercial capacity, you must do so in a safe manner. You are also obliged to keep a register. What...
Do you want to carry out construction work in an area of special value? For example, do you want to build roads, dig or drain ditches, plant or cut down trees, or raise or excavate soil in such an...
Do you work with polluting liquid or other substances that can get into the soil or groundwater? If so, you must take measures that protect the soil from pollution. Floors to protect the soil You...
Reporting soil contamination and degradation Do you work with substances that may pollute or contaminate the soil? If so, you must report this to the online service counter Omgevingsloket (in Dutch)....
Which plants and animals are protected? Plants and animals are protected if they are covered by: international treaties and directives (in Dutch), such as the Birds Directive and the CITES regulation...
Manufacturers, importers, distributors, and professional users of chemical substances and mixtures must meet safety standards. Is your company established in the Netherlands or another EU country? You...
Hazardous substances are dangerous for humans, animals, and the environment. They may be explosive, poisonous, or carcinogenic. If you own a company in the Netherlands, you must take measures to avoid...