Rules and regulations for your sector
Do you work with genetically modified organisms (GMO) in the Netherlands, or do you want to market a GMO? You need to apply for a GMO permit ( GGO-vergunning ). For experiments with GMOs you need a...
The Dutch Opium Act (Opiumwet) regulates which opioids and other narcotics are banned in the Netherlands. You are not allowed to have these banned substances on your business premises. Furthermore,...
Do you use or manufacture medical devices? You can only introduce a medical device onto the European market if it meets the legal requirements. Your product must be safe for patients. Therefore you...
Do you work with medicines in the Netherlands? You must report serious side effects of registered medicines. The Medicines Evaluation Board (College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen, CBG) checks the...
Are you a scientist, doctor, or veterinarian? And do you want to carry out tests on animals, for instance for vaccine testing? You must comply with requirements regarding expertise, animal welfare,...
Do you sell or do you want to sell over-the-counter (OTC) medicines in the Netherlands? You must keep to the provisions of the Medicines Act and the Medicines Act Regulations. What are...
Do you work with ionising radiation? You must be aware of the strict rules on working with radiation. This radiation may be harmful to humans, animals, plants and goods. Ionising radiation is used in...