Rules and regulations for your sector
Do you work with food or drinks for human or animal consumption in the Netherlands? You must do this safely. You must have a plan based on the HACCP principles or work according an approved hygiene...
In the Netherlands, a Certificate of conduct (Verklaring omtrent het gedrag, VOG) indicates that the recipient has not committed any criminal offences. You can apply for a VOG digitally. For some jobs...
Are you a medical practitioner in the Netherlands? You are required to keep records for each patient according to the Dutch Medical Treatment Contracts Act (Wet op de Geneeskundige...
The Public Health Act determines how certain professional groups must act after discovering or suspecting certain infectious diseases. Doctors, laboratories, or institutions in the Netherlands must...
Do you want to perform cosmetic procedures, such as injecting botox and fillers? You must be qualified and competent. You must keep to the Individual Healthcare Act (Wet op de Beroepen in de...
What is Legionella? Legionella is a bacterium that can cause an infection of the airways called legionellosis, or Legionnaires’ disease. Legionella bacteria may grow in water with a temperature...
Do you process hospital waste? You must do so with certified decontamination equipment. What is hospital waste? Hospital waste is waste from both human and animal healthcare and from research done in,...
You do not need a separate diploma or a permit to work in the Netherlands or to establish a business in the Netherlands. However, for certain professions you need to meet specific professional...
Do you operate a childcare organisation (such as a childcare centre, playgroup or childminding agency) or healthcare organisation? You must be affiliated to an independent disputes committee. Rules...
Are you a professional working with families, children, or adults? And do you suspect child abuse or domestic violence? You must report this following a special protocol. Mandatory protocol If you...
In the Netherlands, all care institutions providing services according to the Long-term Care Act (Wet langdurige zorg, Wlz) or the Healthcare Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet, ZVW), fall under the...
Are you a doctor or a medical care provider in the Netherlands? If you give someone medical treatment, you enter into a treatment agreement according to the: Medical Treatment Contracts Act (Wet op de...
Do you have a business in the Netherlands? And employ staff? You must verify their identity before they start working for you. You are required to know if your staff is allowed to work for you. And...
Do you work with ionising radiation? You must be aware of the strict rules on working with radiation. This radiation may be harmful to humans, animals, plants and goods. Ionising radiation is used in...
Do you want to work with volunteers in your organisation? You must comply with specific rules around fees and contracts for volunteers. If you fail to do so, the Netherlands Tax Administration...