Rules and regulations for all entrepreneurs
Do you do business with a Dutch government organisation? Such as applying for a permit or a subsidy? You can often do this online with eHerkenning. A safe way to log in to various government...
Are you applying for a permit with a government agency in the Netherlands? The authority (municipality, province, or regional water board) have to take a decision by a set deadline. They must also...
Do you want to list organisations you no longer wish to do business with, or list employees who have stolen from you? You can create a blacklist. You are not allowed to share this list with others....
Do you use digital platforms (online intermediation services) to sell your product or service? Digital platforms must give you clear information, according to the Platform-to-Business Regulation (P2B...
Do you process personal data? For example, do you keep, use, or share your customers’ or visitors’ personal data because you supply goods or services? Under the privacy legislation, the General Data...
Do you supply goods or services to the Dutch central government? If so, you must send an e-invoice. An e-invoice is an electronic invoice. Local and regional authorities such as municipalities,...
Do you do business cross-border and do you need to login to a government organisation? Are you established outside of the Netherlands and do you need to arrange matters with a Dutch government...
Do you run a company in the Netherlands, for instance, a private or public limited company (bv or nv)? You have to file your financial statements every year with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KVK)....
Do you run a business in the Netherlands? Dutch government inspectors may visit your company for an inspection. You may receive inspections from government agencies such as the Netherlands Labour...
You must send an invoice (bill) if you supply goods and services to: other entrepreneurs legal entities who are not entrepreneurs (for example, associations and foundations) private individuals, in...
Do you have a business in the Netherlands? You are legally obliged to keep records and to retain them (retention obligation). All data on your business that you record on paper or digitally are part...
Are you a foreign service provider (employer or self-employed person) or are you the client of a foreign service provider from the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland? And will you work...
Did you as an entrepreneur receive a questionnaire from Statistics Netherlands (CBS)? For most of these surveys participation in this survey (completing the questionnaire) is mandatory. Whether a...
Do you use, collect, or share personal data of your customers? And is there a significant risk to privacy? Then, as a result of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, Algemene Verordening...
Do you use or store personal data from employees, customers, or others? Then you must take extra measures to protect the data. This way you ensure the privacy of the people whose data you store. You...
The government is required to actively disclose information under the Open Government Act (Wet open Overheid, WOO). This means that the government must make public information accessible to everyone....
You must include certain information in your business correspondence. This way your customer knows who they are dealing with. All relevant business correspondence should be kept in your records....
There are rules for cash payments in the Netherlands. For example, cash payments over €10,000 are not allowed. It is also forbidden to accept counterfeit money. You cannot just refuse cash payments....
As an entrepreneur in the Netherlands you are generally obliged to provide financial reports digitally to banks and government agencies. For example the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration...
Companies and legal entities must register 1 or more UBOs. UBOs (Ultimate Beneficial Owners) are the owners or the persons who are in charge of a company. The UBO register helps to prevent financial...
Does your company conduct transactions digitally? This often requires digital identification. If you conduct business with Dutch government organisations, you have to use eHerkenning. In other cases,...
Do you run a business in the Netherlands or do you run a foreign company with a Dutch branch? You may have to pay turnover tax (VAT) in the Netherlands. This also applies if your company is...
Does your company process personal data? This includes storing, using or sharing names, phone numbers, and addresses. You have to be able to show you comply with the General Data Protection Regulation...