Taxi driver’s card and diploma
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Do you want to work as a taxi driver in the Netherlands? You must have a taxi driver’s diploma. You must also have a taxi driver’s card (chauffeurskaart or taxipas). You need the taxi driver’s card for identification and to record your working hours in the taxi on-board computer.
Taxi driver's diploma
In the Netherlands, taxi drivers need a taxi driver's diploma from the Central Office for Motor Vehicle Driver Testing (Centraal Bureau Rijvaardigheidsbewijzen, CBR, in Dutch). Only then you can apply for the mandatory taxi driver’s card.
There are 2 different taxi driver's diploma's. The type of path you take depends on which specific taxi driver's card you want to apply for (in Dutch):
- Full taxi driver's card exam (in Dutch): for all types of taxi transport.
- Limited taxi driver's card exam (in Dutch): if you drive regular passengers, on set routes and at regular times.
You apply to the CBR (in Dutch) for your examinations. Each exam consists of a theoretical and a practical exam. You need a valid B driver license to take the practical exam. CBR offers taxi driver's exams in Dutch only.
Taxi driver’s card
To work as a taxi driver, you must also have a valid taxi driver’s card in addition to the diploma. To apply for the taxi driver’s card, you will need a taxi driver's diploma and a certificate of conduct (Verklaring omtrent het gedrag, VOG). You can obtain or extend your full or limited taxi driver’s card with Kiwa Register (in Dutch). The card is valid for 5 years. If your card is stolen, lost, or damaged, you must deactivate your card with Kiwa (in Dutch) before you can apply for a new card.
The taxi driver’s card is used for your identification. It also registers journey data, working hours, driving times, and rest times in the mandatory taxi on-board computer (Boordcomputer taxi, BCT).
Inspection of your taxi driver’s card
You always need to carry your taxi driver’s card and taxi operator licence when transporting paying customers. Your taxi drive's card must be displayed in a manner clearly visible to passengers. You may be fined if you cannot show either when subjected to a traffic check.
If you commit a criminal offence, such as an assault or driving under the influence of alcohol, your taxi drive's card will be withdrawn.