Selling over-the-counter medicines

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
< 1 min read
Nederlandse versie

Over-the-counter medicines can be obtained without a prescription (OTC). If you sell them in the Netherlands, you must adhere to the provisions of the Medicines Act and the Medicines Act Regulations.

Which medicine you may sell, depends on the point of sale. There are:

  • over-the-counter medicines that may only be sold at a pharmacy (Pharmacy only PH, Uitsluitend Apotheek UA)
  • over-the-counter medicines that may be sold in pharmacies and chemists (Pharmacy and Drugstore only PDO, Uitsluitend Apotheek of Drogist UAD)
  • over-the-counter medicines that may be sold freely and, therefore, also in 'standard' shops, webshops and supermarkets (General Sales GS, Algemene Verkoop AV)

Online sales

If you are a pharmacist and sell over-the-counter or other medicines online to the general public, you must register with CIBG (in Dutch). If you meet the requirements, you will be awarded the (mandatory) European logo and you will be listed at Online retail sellers of medicines (CIBG, in Dutch).