Felling trees outside built-up areas

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Checked 29 Feb 2024
3 min read
Nederlandse versie

Are you felling trees outside the built-up area? If so, you must usually file a felling notification and plant new trees.

Find out more or arrange now

at your municipality, province, or water authority

Do you want to cut down trees or standing timber such as shrubs, bushes, and hedges outside the built-up area? Then you usually need to file a felling notification online via the Omgevingsloket service counter. You must do this at least 1 month before you start. You must also reforest the area.

When must you file a notification?

Whether you need to file a tree-felling notification depends on the following:

  1. Where the trees are located

    Each municipality defines in its environment plan (omgevingsplan) where exactly the built-up area for tree-felling lies (bebouwingscontour houtkap). This is sometimes the same as the built-up area and sometimes slightly larger. Are the trees or standing timber you want to cut down outside the defined area? Then you may have to file a felling notification.

  2. How many trees will be felled

    You only need to file a felling notification if the trees and timber you want to cut are part of a stand of trees. A stand of trees is an independent group of trees, shrubs, coppice, or grove. You must submit a felling notification if this stand:

    • Has an area of 1,000 m2 or more, or
    • consists of a row of more than 20 trees.
  3. What you do with the trees

    Do points 1 and 2 apply to you? Then you must file a felling report:

    • if you fell, cut down or remove the trees or timber from the ground, or
    • if you do anything else that causes the trees or timber to die or become badly damaged (for example, digging in the ground and destroying the roots), or
    • if a fire, storm, or disease has destroyed the trees and timber. In this case, you make the report after the trees are destroyed.

When do you not have to file a tree-felling notification?

You do not need to file a felling notification if the trees or timber are within the defined built-up area for tree-felling. Sometimes you do need an environment and planning permit (omgevingsvergunning). Always ask your municipality exactly where the built-up area for tree-felling is located. And check what rules apply there. You can find these rules in the environment plan, the tree-felling ordinance, or the General Municipal By-law (APV).

The Environment Activities Decree (Besluit activiteiten leefomgeving, Bal) also sets out a number of exceptions to the tree-felling notification requirement (in Dutch). For example, if:

  • the trees or timber are in your yard or garden
  • you want to cut down poplars or willow trees lining a road
  • you want to create more living space for other trees and bushes (thinning)
  • you work according to a government-approved code of conduct (in Dutch)
  • trees and bushes grown specifically for harvesting fruits or nuts
  • conifers clearly intended as Christmas trees and not older than 20 years
  • nursery stock

Sometimes you need to file a felling notification and also apply for an environment and planning permit (omgevingsvergunning). For example, if you want to cut down a tree that is outside the defined built-up area for tree-felling and is registered as having national importance and historic value (in Dutch).

Tree-felling notification and permit check

Go to the online service counter Omgevingsloket (in Dutch) to check if you need an environment and planning permit (omgevingsvergunning). The Omgevingsloket shows which rules apply in your municipality, province, or water authority. You can immediately file a notification or apply for a permit.


Have you filed a felling notice and cut down trees or standing timber? Then you must plant new trees and timber on the same land (in Dutch). You must do this within 3 years. Do you transfer the land to a new owner or user within those 3 years? Then you must inform them of the reforestation obligation. The new owner must comply with this.

In some cases, it may not be possible for you to plant new trees or shrubs within 3 years. Or to do so on the same ground. In that case, you can apply for a customised regulation. This allows you to plant the trees in another location, or at a later date.

Make a felling notification and apply for a customised regulation

File the felling notification no later than 1 month before you start felling. Do this at the Omgevingsloket. You can also apply there directly for a customised regulation.

Usually, the province will assess your notification and application for a customised regulation. But are you cutting down trees to work on, for example, motorways, railways, or the energy and gas network? If so, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) will assess your notification and application. Read the RVO information about felling trees and reforestation after felling (in Dutch).

Online application procedure via Message Box

Message Box has not yet been linked to the Omgevingsloket. This means that you cannot file a felling notification or apply for a customised regulation using Message Box. Message Box is a secure email system that enables you as an entrepreneur to exchange digital messages with Dutch government agencies.

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