Registration and microchipping of dogs, and dog passports

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

Are you a dog breeder or dog importer? You can only sell or transfer ownership of a dog if it is registered in the Identification and Registration system for dogs (I&R Hond). This I&R helps to prevent illegal dog trade. You need to register yourself, and you must get the dog microchipped and registered. Every dog you sell or import must have a European pet passport.

Register your company

Dog breeders and importers must register with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO, in Dutch). Choose ‘Huisdierlocatie Registreren’. You will receive a Unique Company Number (Uniek Bedrijfsnummer, UBN). You need the UBN to register and microchip the dog, and to apply for a European pet passport.

Note that private dog owners who breed a dog only once, who import a dog from abroad, or have an unregistered dog also need to apply for a UBN (RVO, in Dutch). A dog cannot be microchipped without a UBN.

Register your dog

Dog breeders must register the birth of a pup at an affiliated portal (in Dutch). You need the mother’s microchip number to do so.

Dog importers must register the dog at a veterinarian within 2 weeks after arrival in the Netherlands. The veterinarian will register the import, microchip number, and the pet passport at an affiliated portal (in Dutch). If the dog does not have a microchip or passport, the veterinarian has to microchip the dog and issue a pet passport.

Microchip your dog

Within 7 weeks after its birth, dog breeders must have the dog microchipped. Only registered microchippers and veterinarians are allowed to microchip dogs. Contact the RVO if you are looking for an authorised microchipping professional. The veterinarian or microchipping professional will register the dog’s microchip number within 2 days.

EU pet passport

Every dog in the Netherlands that changes owners or is born on or after 1 November 2021 must have a European pet passport. You request this passport from the veterinarian. Dog breeders must have a passport for the dog within 7 weeks after its birth. If the dog is sold or placed in a new home you must deregister the dog. Their new owner must then re-register the dog under their ownership.

Do you import a dog from a third country that does not have a European pet passport? The veterinarian must issue a passport for the dog. The veterinarian registers the import, the microchip number, and the passport at one of the affiliated portals (in Dutch).