Protected objects and collections (Erfgoedwet)

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

Do you own an object or collection of cultural-historic or scientific value for the Netherlands? The Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science can decide to include those in a register. This gives such objects or collections a protected status under the Dutch 2016 Heritage act (Erfgoedwet). If this happens you will have a number of rights and obligations.

Inclusion in the register

The minister can decide to have your object or collection included in he Dutch Protected Objects and Collections Register (in Dutch). You will be notified of this and you may object. You can also ask for an item or collection to be included in the register (in Dutch).

Inclusion in the register offers access to several financial and legal arrangements (in Dutch), for instance a subsidy through the Mondriaanfonds. You may also get a tax benefit if you donate an item to the state (in Dutch).

If your object or collection is included in the register

Do you own one or more objects that are listed in this register? You must:


The Information and Heritage Inspectorate (Inspectie Overheidsinformatie en Erfgoed) monitors compliance with the Cultural Heritage Act. It inspects protected cultural objects every 4 years. The inspectorate also informs the owner about, for example, laws and regulations, subsidies, and management issues.

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