Professional fireworks

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Checked 18 Jan 2023
2 min read
Nederlandse versie

Do you want to store or set off professional fireworks? Find out what the rules for professional fireworks are.

Find out more or arrange now

at your municipality, province, or water authority

Professional fireworks consist of event and theatre fireworks (pyrotechnics) and are much more powerful than consumer fireworks. The rules and regulations concerning professional fireworks are stated in the Fireworks Decree (Vuurwerkbesluit).

Setting off professional fireworks

Several requirements apply to lighting professional fireworks during a firework show or event:

  • Only certified experts may set off professional fireworks (in Dutch).
  • You will need an application permit (Toepassingsvergunning, in Dutch) from the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT).
  • If you have the application permit, you will need permission to actually set off the professional fireworks (Ontbrandingstoestemming). The permission is granted by the provincial authority (in Dutch) where the show or event will take place. You have to apply for this permission each time you want to light professional fireworks. The province sets requirements about extinguishing agents, safety distances, packages, transport and fireworks that have failed to ignite. If you want to light less than 20 kilograms of pyrotechnical fireworks or less than 200 kilograms of consumer fireworks as a professional, a notification to the provincial authority will suffice.

Storing professional fireworks

For the storage of professional fireworks, you always need an environmental permit.

Using the Activities Decree online module (AIM, in Dutch), you can check which obligations apply to your company. You can always contact your local council if you have any questions about the rules regarding fireworks.

Various rules apply for the storage of professional fireworks. You should for instance comply with the legal minimum requirements on the safe distance of your storage to the built environment (in Dutch). You should also conform to the regulations on storing professional fireworks and theatre pyrotechnics, such as:

  • You may not store more than 6,000 kilograms in total net mass of explosives.
  • Your storage facility’s fire resistance is at least 60 minutes.
  • Your storage facility must be equipped with a sprinkler system that is connected to the fire department’s control room.
  • The fire safety system is inspected each year.
  • You cannot process fireworks in your storage facility. You need a separate processing room, with its own safety regulations

Storing fireworks in your theatre

Theatres and similar enterprises can store up to 25 kilograms of theatrical fireworks under the Activities decree. You should store the fireworks in a PSG 15 storage locker (in Dutch).

Proof of liability coverage in case of storage

If you manage a space where you store or process professional fireworks, whether or not mixed with consumer fireworks, you must have liability insurance with sufficient coverage. You must submit written proof of this insurance policy to the provincial authorities.

Online application procedure via Message Box

At the province of Noord-Brabant you can use Message Box to apply digitally for permission and notification for lighting off fireworks and for submitting proof of liability cover. Message Box is a secure email system that enables you as an entrepreneur to exchange digital messages with Dutch government agencies.

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