Notification use of a mobile crusher

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Checked 15 Aug 2022
1 min read
Nederlandse versie

If you want to use a mobile crusher in the Netherlands, you must notify the municipality in advance. Read more.

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A mobile crusher is a machine with which you can make construction and demolition waste smaller. If you use a mobile crusher this may cause nuisance. Therefore you have to report your work. You must notify the authorities in the municipality where you want to use the crusher. You can often do so online. Usually you have to notify your work a number of days in advance.


When you notify your plans to use a mobile crusher (in Dutch) you supply among others the following data:

  • the address or the location where you want to use the mobile crusher
  • the name and address of the company and contact using the crusher
  • the amount and type of construction and demolition waste
  • the noise level of the mobile crusher (in decibels, dB)
  • when you intend to start the work and the duration

Rules for crushers

If you use a mobile crusher, you must also comply with regulations on:

  • safety
  • vibration strength
  • dust impact
  • waste separation
  • soil protection
  • environmental impact and protection
  • maintenance and cleaning

When you use a mobile crusher there should always be someone present who:

  • can handle hazardous substances in a correct and safe manner
  • knows when the mobile crusher may be used
  • knows how the crusher should be used

You have a specific duty of care for mobile crushing (in Dutch). You must supply the municipality with certain information (an acoustic report, in Dutch). During the work you must have information present (in Dutch), among other things the notification, the inspection and maintenance schedule for the mobile crusher, and certification or proof for the installation of tanks, filters, and other facilities.

Online notification procedure via Message Box

You can notify the local authorities online via Message Box. Message Box is a secure email system that enables you as an entrepreneur to exchange digital messages with Dutch government agencies.

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Questions relating to this article?

Please contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO