Licences for using a radio frequency

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

Do you want to transmit radio programmes in the Netherlands as a broadcaster or as a short-term broadcaster (evenementenzender)? You need a licence in order to use a particular airwave frequency. The Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure (RDI) determines which frequency you can use.

Commercial broadcasting licence (FM or digital radio)

Do you want to start a commercial broadcasting station? You need to take several steps before you can start:

  • You request permission from the Dutch Media Authority (Commissariaat voor de Media, CvdM, in Dutch) .
  • Then you apply for a licence to the RDI. The RDI is responsible for distributing the frequency spectrum. The frequencies for commercial broadcasters are sold by auction.
  • You specify if you are a national or non-national broadcaster.

Do you want to start a non-national broadcasting service? Then you need to dedicate part of your broadcasting time to regional programming (in Dutch).

Experimenting licence

Is your business based in the Netherlands and do you need airwave frequency spectrum for the purpose of an experiment? you can request an experimenting licence from the RDI (in Dutch). Note that you may not cause interference for other frequency users and you are not allowed to use the licence for commercial purposes (not for profit).

Short-term broadcasting

If you are staging an event and want to broadcast a radio programme for it (evenementenzender), you first must obtain permission (in Dutch) from the Dutch Media Authority (CvdM). Then you request a frequency (in Dutch) on which to broadcast from the RDI. Programmes which qualify for this have a short running time and a limited reach.

Event telecommunications licence

If you intend to use radiotelephones, walkie-talkies, intercom, video, or audio links over short or long distances during the event, you must apply for an event licence from the Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure.

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