Fire-safe clothing

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
< 1 min read
Nederlandse versie

Do you manufacture clothing in the Netherlands? Or do you sell, distribute, or import clothing under your own brand name (you are then considered a manufacturer)? You must make sure the products meet the fire safety standards. There are inflammability tests to determine the fire hazard category.

Fire safety standards

Are the clothes made fully of acrylic, modacryl, nylon, olefin, polyester, or wool? In principle these meet the set requirements for fire-safety. You can only sell clothes made of other fabrics if they are accompanied by a test report or a certificate from the supplier. This certificate must indicate that the clothing meets the fire safety requirements.

Testing fire safety

To prove the fire safety of clothes, you must make sure it is tested.


No fire safety requirements apply for:

  • swimwear
  • leg fashion
  • underwear
  • baby clothes (below Dutch size 80)

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