Working with the environment plan

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Checked 15 Mar 2024
2 min read
Nederlandse versie

Do you want to start a shop, café, or other business? Or carry out work with your business that affects the surrounding area or the environment? The municipality's environment plan (omgevingsplan) determines whether you are allowed to carry out these plans. You will often have to apply for an environment and planning permit or make a notification.

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at your municipality, province, or water authority

What is in the environment plan?

Every municipality has 1 environment plan (omgevingsplan) that incorporates the rules from the zoning plans (bestemmingsplannen), the General Municipal By-law (Algemene Plaatselijke Verordening, APV) and other by-laws. The environment plan replaces all zoning plans.

The environment plan includes:

  • Which activities are allowed in a certain area. For example, housing, or hospitality.
  • The rules that apply to all activities that may affect the living environment. For example, whether you are allowed to start a business that may cause noise pollution in a residential area.
  • For which activities you need an environment and planning permit (omgevingsvergunning). And which rules you must follow to obtain such a permit.

Please note: Municipalities have until 2032 to transfer the rules on the physical living environment to the environment plan. So up to 2032, the place where you can find the applicable rules is different for each municipality.

Checking the environment plan

You can check in the municipality’s environment plan whether you are allowed to carry out your plans. You can find the environment plan via Rules on the map (Regels op de kaart, in Dutch) in the Omgevingsloket. You can search by address, or by drawing a location on the map.

You can also find the zoning plans via Rules on the map. If the zoning plans are no longer listed here, this means that the municipality has already transferred the rules to the environment plan. So if you check Rules on the map, you can see which rules and policies apply to a specific location and look at future developments. Read more on how to check the environment plan.

Permit check and environment and planning permit application

The municipality’s environment plan specifies for which activities you need a permit. These activities that fall within the scope of the environment plan and for which you need a permit are called binnenplanse omgevingsplanacitiviteiten (OPA). The rules you need to comply with to get the permit are also specified. Sometimes you only need to submit a notification.

Do you want to know if you need a permit? Do the permit check in the Omgevingsloket (in Dutch). In the Omgevingsloket you can also apply for the permit. The application procedure for a permit usually takes 8 weeks.

An activity that is inconsistent with the environment plan is called a buitenplanse omgevingsplanactiviteit (BOPA). For such an activity, you must apply for a permit. The competent authority then decides whether the activity is allowed nonetheless, and whether you will receive a permit. The application procedure for a BOPA takes up to 6 months.

Having the environment plan changed

Has your application for a BOPA been refused? Then you can ask the municipality to adapt the environment plan. The procedure to change an environment plan takes up to 6 months.

Disagreeing with the environment plan

Do you disagree with the environment plan or a change to it? For example, because it has an impact on the accessibility of your company. Then you can express your opinion on the draft environment plan. You have 6 weeks to study the draft plan and give your opinion.

Claiming compensation for loss as a result of an environment plan

Do you suffer damage or loss as a result of a government decision? For example, when your business is not accessible because of long-term construction works. Or when construction plans in your area reduce the value of your property. Then you may be entitled to compensation for loss resulting from government acts (nadeelcompensatie, in Dutch). You can apply for this compensation to the municipality (in Dutch).

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Please contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO