Applying for a Certificate of Origin (CvO) or EUR.1 document

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

Do you trade with countries outside the European Union? You often need a Certificate of Origin (CvO). This document states the country from which the product originates.

Certificate of Origin (CvO)

Do you export to a country outside of the EU? Then the export country can demand a Certificate of Origin (CvO). They can do so for economic, political, or health reasons, for instance if they want to protect their own market from contaminated meat.

You should use a EUR.1 document or EUR-MED document for countries with which the European Union has concluded trade agreements. These documents entitle you to a reduction of import duty or in some cases even an exemption.

You can request a Certificate of Origin from the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (KVK). For any questions around KVK export documents, you can contact their Export Document Desk via 088 585 15 85, menu option 4.

EUR.1 document and EUR-MED document

Do you export to countries with which the EU has concluded trade agreements? You should use a EUR.1 document or EUR-MED document. These documents entitle you to a reduction of import duty or in some cases even an exemption.

Do you export a small consignment, with a value of at most €6,000? You do not need to enclose an EUR.1 or EUR-MED document. You must attach an invoice declaration.

You can request an EUR.1 document or EUR-MED document from the Chamber of Commerce (KVK).

Which origin document do you need?

The Customs papers you need, differ per product and per country to which you want to export. As a general rule, products must be accompanied by a commercial invoice and a transport document. The EU’s Access2Markets Database shows the documents required for a large number of countries for individual products. It also states the amounts for levies such as import duty, excise duty, and VAT.

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