Code 95 for professional drivers

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

Are you a professional truck or bus driver? You need a code 95 indication on your driving licence.

What is a code 95?

Code 95 is proof you meet the (training) requirements for professional drivers (Certificate of Professional Competence, Verklaring van Vakbekwaamheid). All professional truck and bus drivers in the EU must have this indication on their driving licence. If you do not have this code you are not allowed to drive more than 12 hours per week professionally.

How to get code 95

You can get the code 95 indication (in Dutch) on your licence if you pass the initial qualification for professional drivers (basiskwalificatie, in Dutch). The initial qualification exists for all categories of C-licences (trucks, in Dutch) and D-licences (busses, in Dutch). As a resident of the Netherlands, you will be tested by the Central Office for Motor Vehicle Driver Testing (Centraal Bureau Rijvaardigheidsbewijzen, CBR, in Dutch).

The CBR will test your knowledge of, among others, administrative procedures, traffic, rules, and driving skills over the course of 6 exams. You need to successfully complete all exams within a 2-year period. You have to meet the following conditions to take the exams:

  • You have a valid driving licence (category B)
  • You are at least 18 years old
  • You must have a Certificate of Fitness (Verklaring van Geschiktheid, VvG). To get this certificate, you need to fill out a Statement of Health (Gezondheidsverklaring). In some cases you have to undergo a medical examination.

After you complete your exams, you can apply for the code 95 indication on your licence to your municipal authority (in Dutch). It is valid for 5 years.

How to renew code 95

When you have a valid code 95 indication, you need to follow at least 35 hours of periodic training (nascholing, in Dutch) before it expires. You can only do so in the country where you live or work. You can find a course for periodic training with CBR's periodic training finder (in Dutch). When completed, the CBR will notify the Netherlands Vehicle Authority (RDW).

When you have completed the periodic training, the CBR sends a Certificate of periodic training (Verklaring van nascholing, VVN, in Dutch) to the RDW. You will receive an e-mail about this. You can then renew the Code 95 on your driving licence with your municipality. It is then valid for 5 more years.

If you do not meet the requirements for renewal before your code 95 indication expires, you are not allowed to drive a truck or bus professionally for more than 12 hours a week.

Register training from other EU countries

Did you receive periodic training in another EU country while living or working there? You can register this training by notifying the CBR (in Dutch). You need to prove the received training follows the criteria set by the proficiency directive (Richtlijn vakbekwaamheid, in Dutch). You need to provide the CBR with a training certificate from either the training institute or the country’s responsible authority. You also need to prove you were living or working there at the time you received the training.

Code 95 for European licences

Do you have a European C or D licence with a code 95 indication? You may drive a truck or bus professionally in the Netherlands. To renew your code 95 indication, you need to complete your periodic training in the country the licence was issued. You may exchange your licence from any EU and EEA countries for a Dutch driving licence.

If you have a European licence but you completed your periodic training in the Netherlands, you can request a Qualification Card with the RDW. This allows you to register your periodic training on your European licence.

Code 95 for non-European licences

Do you have a truck or bus driving licence from a non-EU or EEA country? This licence is not recognised in the Netherlands. You need to follow the Dutch procedure to get a code 95 indication to drive a truck or bus in the Netherlands professionally.

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