Bus transport licences
Do you provide national or international bus transport services, or bus transport services on your own account in or from the Netherlands? You may require a licence, certificate, or journey form. You apply for these forms with KIWA Register (in Dutch).
Community licence
You require a community licence if you offer national or international bus transport services within the European Economic Area (EEA). Each bus needs a certified copy of the licence. You need a Certificate of Conduct (Verklaring Omtrent Gedrag, VOG) to apply. The licence and its certified copies are valid for 5 years.
Licence for international regular transport services
Do you provide regular bus transport services outside the EU (in Dutch)? A regular bus transport service carries persons with a given regularity along a specified route. Passengers may board and disembark at predetermined locations along this route. You must have a licence for international regular transport (in Dutch) as well as a community licence to apply. You also need to provide scheduling, a tariff scheme, a scaled map, and your driver’s driving and resting schedule with your application. The licence is valid for 5 years.
Journey form for occasional transport
If you provide occasional transport services to countries outside the Netherlands, you must have a journey form (in Dutch). The type of form you need depends on the country of destination. The journey form contains information about your destination, route, and number of passengers. A completed journey form must be present before departure.
Certificate for cross-border non-commercial passenger transport
When you transport passengers across borders by bus or coach to EU/EEA countries on your own account, you will need an own-account transport certificate (in Dutch). Own-account transport is transport without a commercial purpose. The transport activity may only be an additional activity and must concern a closed group of persons, such as the transport of a sports team.
You do not need a certificate or licence for national bus transport services on one's own account, such as an employer providing transport to his employees.