
Published by:
Statistics Netherlands, CBS
Statistics Netherlands, CBS

Are you looking for statistic information on self-employment? In this factsheet you will find the key figures and trends about self-employment.

Number of self-employed professionals

Statistics: self-employed professional

Statistics: self-employed professional

Number of self-employed professionals (without employees).

The majority of self-employed are men in 2021

The majority of self-employed are men in 2021

Income and assets

How much do the self-employed earn?

How much do the self-employed earn?

The median (purple line) is the average income per month in the Netherlands. Half of the self-employed have lower or equal incomes.

What do self-employed people own?

What do self-employed people own?

Equity (blue line) is the balance of (personal) assets and liabilities. Company assets (purple line) consist of the substantial interest (ownership of shares) of director-major shareholders and company assets.

Number of self employed by sector