
Published by:
Statistics Netherlands, CBS
Statistics Netherlands, CBS

Are you looking for statistical information on the construction industry? In this factsheet, you will find the key figures and trends in construction.

Number of businesses and bankruptcies

Total number of businesses in construction

Total number of businesses in construction

This chart shows the number of businesses in the construction industry.

Bankruptcies in construction

Bankruptcies in construction

This chart shows the number of declared bankruptcies in the construction industry.


Turnover development in construction

Turnover development in construction

This chart shows the turnover trend in the construction industry.

Turnover level in construction

Turnover level in construction

This chart shows turnover, costs and operating result before tax in the construction industry.

Employment and vacancies

Number of persons employed

Number of persons employed

This chart shows the number of persons employed in the construction industry.

Job vacancies

Job vacancies

This chart shows the number of job vacancies in the construction industry

Staff shortage

Staff shortage

This chart shows the number of staff shortage in the construction industry.