Facts and figures

Are you looking for data to give you insight into starting or running a business in the Netherlands? On this page you can find facts and figures Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has collected about the business climate in the Netherlands.


View factsheets per sector or theme. You can use the data to help you research your market, write your business plan, or other types of research.

Business sectors

Catering industryBusiness servicesConstructionTransport, mail and storageIT, media, and communicationIndustry


AmsterdamThe HagueGroningenRotterdamUtrecht



More numbers

The CBS Business Dashboard provides up-to-date figures on businesses, such as numbers per business sector, legal structure and region, turnover figures, results and expectations. CBS would like to know whether this information meets the needs of businesses. Please leave your feedback.

Go to Business Dashboard (Dashboard bedrijven, in Dutch)

Business Survey Netherlands (COEN)

For the COEN (Conjunctuurenquête Nederland), CBS interviews entrepreneurs every quarter on topics that concern them. Such as turnover developments, profitability, investments and staffing levels.

Read about the latest COEN, 3rd quarter 2024The full COEN report Q3, 2024 (pdf, in Dutch)

Economic growth and labour market

Watch CBS' press conference (in Dutch). You will hear more about economic growth, labour market developments and the business sentiment in Q3 2023.

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Finance Monitor 2023

CBS' Financing Monitor maps the search for financing by SMEs. It also describes recent developments in the financing market, obstacles to business performance and the impact of corona.

View the 2023 Finance Monitor (in Dutch)