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Company waste separation tool

This information is provided by:RijkswaterstaatRijkswaterstaatNederlandse versie

You have to separate your company waste. Which types of waste you have to separate depends on your situation. The Company waste separation tool will

  • tell you which types of waste your company has to separate;
  • give you a downloadable and printable overview of the results, to discuss with your waste collector.

Summary of the rules

Company waste that you have to separate falls into 3 categories:

Company waste you need to separate depending on your situation

Whether or not you need to separate one or more of the waste materials in this category depends on the size of your company location and the weekly amount of waste produced. For instance, if your company is housed in a small space, there may not be room for multiple waste containers. You may not have to separate waste.

Company waste you must separate if you have large quantities once or incidentally

Certain types of waste you only need to separate once or incidentally, if the quantity your company produces exceeds a certain volume. For example, when conducting maintenance works, a large delivery, when replacing your inventory, or purchasing new company clothing.

Company waste you must always separate

These types of waste you must always separate, no matter how little or how much you have, or how often you have it.

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