Netting scheme for solar panels ends per 2027
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What changes?
Do you have solar panels for your business and do you sell electricity back to the grid? The netting scheme (salderingsregeling) ends on 1 January 2027.
As a small-volume user, you are now allowed to offset the electricity you feed back into the grid with the electricity you use each year. This is called netting (salderen in Dutch). Do you feed back more electricity than you use? Your energy supplier pays you a compensation for the difference. Once the netting scheme ends, you can no longer offset electricity in this way.
The current netting scheme will be replaced with a new arrangement. You will receive a reasonable compensation from your energy supplier for the solar energy you feed back to the grid.
With this measure, the government aims to stimulate users to use as much as possible of the solar energy they have generated themselves. This will reduce the stress on the electricity grid.
For whom?
- SMEs with an electricity connection of 3x80 amperes at most (small-volume users) and solar panels
- solar panels installation companies
- solar panels manufacturers
- energy suppliers
The change in law will enter into effect on 1 January 2027.
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Please contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO