More open data available for reuse

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
< 1 min read
Nederlandse versie
Effective date: 19 June 2024

What has changed?

Do you work with open data? More organisations must make open data available for reuse.

Most government organisations already should make open data available for reuse. But now the following organisations will have to make open data available as well:

  • public enterprises
  • higher education organisations
  • research organisations

Dynamic data should be available real-time

For dynamic data (data that are subject to real-time or (very) frequent updates such as data from sensors) special rules apply. These data should be made available through an API. For example information on traffic volume. If companies request this information, the dynamic data should be available in real-time. This should be offered via an Application Programming Interface (API). This means the dynamic data are send in real-time to the computer programme of the company that want to use the data.

Government organisations and public enterprises should try harder to make as much data as possible open and available for re-use.

For whom?

  • entrepreneurs working with open data


The 'Reuse of government information Act' (Wet hergebruik van overheidsinformatie, Who) has come into effect on 19 June 2024.

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Questions relating to this article?

Please contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO