Digital register for second-hand traders

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
< 1 min read
Nederlandse versie
Effective date: not yet known

What changes?

Do you buy or trade second-hand goods? You will have to register both the goods and the people offering the goods in a digital traders register (Digitaal Opkopersregister, DOR). In some municipalities, a paper register for buyers and traders in still in use.

The DOR is connected to the database of the initiative Stop Heling, set up to stop the trade in stolen goods. This database contains information about all goods that have been reported as stolen to the police or the military police (Koninklijke Marechaussee). If you buy a stolen item and register it to the DOR, the police will automatically be alerted.

Digital traders window

Traders and buyers should report to the municipality where they are active. This can be done at the digital traders window (Digitaal Opkopersloket, DOL, in Dutch), which will be available in all municipalities.

For whom?

  • buyers
  • traders of second-hand goods


It is not yet known when this change in the Dutch Penal Code (Wetboek van Strafrecht) and the Code of Criminal Procedure (Wetboek van Strafvordering) will come into force.

Please note: The effective date of this measure is not yet final. Entry into force is subject to its passing through the upper and lower houses of parliament or proclamation of the Order in Council (Algemene Maatregel van Bestuur, AMvB) or ministerial decree and publication in the StaatsbladorStaatscourant (in Dutch).

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