Companies with 100+ employees must report work-related mobility (WPM)

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
< 1 min read
Nederlandse versie
Effective date: 1 July 2024

What changes?

Does your company have over 100 employees? You will have to report annually on your employees’ business travel and commuting (work-related person mobility, WPM). This includes, for example, the number of kilometres travelled by car, broken down to type of fuel. You will have to report to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO, in Dutch).

The government wants to reduce CO2-emissions. Possible measures are travelling fewer kilometres or promoting the use of bicycles, public transport, or electric vehicles. You do not have to report on the actual exhaust emissions.

For whom?

  • companies with 100 or more employees


The change in the Decree activities living environment (Besluit activiteiten leefomgeving, Bal) and the Environmental decree on limiting carbon dioxide emissions by traffic will be effective from 1 July 2024.

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Questions relating to this article?

Please contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO